
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pagaris'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pagaris



Warning: Never store your credentials in plaintext. We recommend using environment variables.

Note: The private key you use in Pagaris#private_key= determines the current environment for all calls (i.e. sandbox or production calls).

# Only if it's not already required for you (e.g. Rails)
require 'pagaris'

Pagaris.application_id = ENV['PAGARIS_APPLICATION_ID']
Pagaris.private_key = ENV['PAGARIS_PRIVATE_KEY']

Creating an Order

# First way: `Pagaris::Order::create`
  order = Pagaris::Order.create(
    amount:   4_999.99,
    metadata: { internal_id: 192 }, # Optional
    products: [{ sku: '123', quantity: 3 }], # Optional
    redirect_url: 'https://some.url/for/redirect' # Optional, overrides app
  ) # => 'a0248c87-2f0f-4e4e-a913-893d54046321'
  order.amount # => 4999.99
  order.fee # => 100 (for example)
  order.payout_amount # => 4899.99
  order.status # => 'created'
  order. # => { internal_id: 192 }
  order.products # => [{ sku: '123', quantity: 3 }]
  order.created_at # => 2020-05-04 16:03:51 -0500 (Time)
  order.updated_at # => 2020-05-04 16:03:51 -0500 (Time)
  order.url # => ''
rescue Exception => e
  # See the 'Exceptions' section

# Second way: Calling `Order#create` after initializing it
order = 4_999.99)
order.redirect_url = ''
rescue Exception => e
  # See the 'Exceptions' section

Getting an Order

order = Order.get('caff2436-b41c-41f5-b7e9-7259d158c95a') #  => <Pagaris::Order> # => 'a0248c87-2f0f-4e4e-a913-893d54046321'

Getting all Orders

orders = Order.all #  => [<Pagaris::Order>, <Pagaris::Order>, ...]

orders.first&.id # => 'a0248c87-2f0f-4e4e-a913-893d54046321'

Confirming an Order

order = Order.get('caff2436-b41c-41f5-b7e9-7259d158c95a')
order.status # => 'approved'
order.status # => 'confirmed'

Cancelling an Order

order = Order.get('dcf647cb-39f2-4ef2-a07f-555a1d5be7e3')
order.status # => 'approved'
order.status # => 'cancelled'


Any of the previous operations can raise one of the following exceptions. You can call #response on them to inspect what caused the error

  • Pagaris::Errors::UnauthorizedError - Credentials were not configured correctly or the request is impossible (e.g. trying to confirm an Order which can't be confirmed)
  • Pagaris::Errors::NotFoundError - When fetching or trying to update an Order with an incorrect id (note the environment in which they were created)
  • Pagaris::Errors::UnprocessableEntityError - When the parameters are invalid (e.g. creating an Order without an amount, or with an amount less than the minimum amount or greater than the maximum amount).
  • Pagaris::Errors::UnexpectedResponseError
  • Pagaris::Errors::ServerError
Example of handling exceptions
  order = Order.create(amount: 100)
rescue Pagaris::Errors::UnprocessableEntityError => e
  e.response # => HTTParty::Response
  e.response&.body # => {"error":{"status":422,"detail":"Some detail"}}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to