
Simple and concise string colorization for Ruby without overloading String methods or requiring verbose class/method invocation.

Paintbrush has zero dependencies and does not pollute any namespaces or objects outside of the #paintbrush method wherever you include the Paintbrush module.

Nesting is supported, allowing you to use multiple colors within the same string. The previous color is automatically restored.

include Paintbrush
puts paintbrush { purple "You used #{green 'four'} #{blue "(#{cyan '4'})"} #{yellow 'colors'} today!" }



Add Paintbrush to your Gemfile:

gem 'paintbrush'

Build your bundle:

bundle install


Include the Paintbrush module anywhere and call #paintbrush to generate a colorized string. Nested strings are supported, allowing many complex combinations to be written in a single line.

#paintbrush receives a block, within the block the following methods are available, each of which receives a string:

  • #black
  • #red
  • #green
  • #yellow
  • #blue
  • #purple
  • #cyan
  • #white
  • #default

Hex colors are also available as #hex_ff00ff and #hex_f0f, allowing a much wider range of colors.

Use string interpolation to nest multiple colors:

include Paintbrush
puts paintbrush { green "some green text, #{yellow "some yellow text"} and some green again" }
puts paintbrush { hex_ff00ff "some magenta #{hex_ffff00 "and some yellow"} and magenta again" }


And many others.


There are plenty of gems that solve this problem in various ways but I was unable to find one that achieves all of the following:

  • Support for nested strings.
  • No pollution of Ruby String objects.
  • Concise syntax allowing strings to be generated in-line.

This gem is an attempt to achieve all of the above. If it's not for you, take a look at one of the alternatives (see above).


Make a pull request to fix a bug or add a feature.

Run make test to verify all tests and lint checks have passed.


Paintbrush is released under the MIT License.