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Paperclip storage module to use Amazon S3 with official 'aws-sdk' gem

paperclip-aws is a full featured storage module that supports all S3 locations (American, European and Japanese) without any additional hacking.


  • supports US, European and Japanese S3 instances;
  • supports both http and https urls;
  • supports expiring urls;
  • supports different permissions for each Paperclip style;
  • can generate urls for read, write и delete operations;
  • correctly sets content-type of uploaded files;
  • ability to set content-disposition of uploaded files;
  • supports amazon server side encryption (thanks to @pvertenten);
  • highly compatible with included in Paperclip S3 storage module



gem install paperclip-aws

After this add 'paperclip-aws' to your Gemfile or environment.rb

Common Usage

class SomeS3Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.s3_config
    @@s3_config ||= YAML.load("#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml")).result)[Rails.env]    

  has_attached_file :data,
                    :styles => {
                      :thumb => [">75x"],
                      :medium => [">600x"]
                    :storage => :aws,
                    :s3_credentials => {
                      :access_key_id => self.s3_config['access_key_id'],
                      :secret_access_key => self.s3_config['secret_access_key'],
                      :endpoint => self.s3_config['endpoint']
                    :bucket => self.s3_config['bucket'],                    
                    :s3_host_alias => self.s3_config['s3_host_alias'],
                    :s3_permissions => :public_read,
                    :s3_protocol => 'http',
                    :s3_options => {
                      :server_side_encryption => 'AES256',
                      :storage_class => :reduced_redundancy,
                      :content_disposition => 'attachment'

                    :path => "company_documents/:id/:style/:data_file_name"  

  # You also can modify :s3_credentials, :s3_bucket, :s3_permissions, :s3_options, :s3_protocol, :s3_host_alias directly in instance.
  before_save do[:content_disposition] = "attachment; filename=#{self.data_file_name}"[:server_side_encryption] = true if self.confidential_information?[:storage_class] = true if self.unimportant_information? = 'https' if self.confidential_information? = :authenticated_read if self.private?

Create link for file that will expire in 10 seconds after it was created. Useful when redirecting user to file., { :expires => + 10.seconds, :protocol => 'https' })



Endpoint where your bucket is located. Default is '' which is for 'US Standard' region.

You can find full list of endpoints and regions here


Sets permissions to your objects. Values are:


You can setup permnissions globally for object or per style:

:s3_permissions => :public_read

:s3_permissions => {
  :thumb => :public_read,
  :medium => :authenticated_read,
  :default => :authenticated_read


Default protocol to use: 'http' or 'https'.


Hash of additional options. Available options are:

  • :sse'AES256' (the only available encryption now)
  • :storage_class:standard (default) or :reduced_redundancy
  • :content_disposition

How paperclip-aws creates urls?

'paperclip-aws' redefines Paperclip url method to get object URL.

def url(style=default_style, options={})

Supported options are:

  • :protocol'http' or 'https'

Use this options to redefine default protocol, configured in model.

  • :expires

Sets the expiration time of the URL; after this time S3 will return an error if the URL is used. This can be an integer (to specify the number of seconds after the current time), a string (which is parsed as a date using Time#parse), a Time, or a DateTime object. This option defaults to one hour after the current time.

Default is set to 3600 seconds.

  • :action

Method, the HTTP verb or object method for which the returned URL will be valid. Valid values:

  • :get or :read
  • :put or :write
  • :delete

Default is set to :read, which is the most common used.

Can I use it in production?

Yes, usage of paperclip-aws is confirmed by several rather big projects:

I hope that it is used in a lot of other projects, if you know them – let me know.