Paperclip::Defaults Build Status

Configurable Rails application wide defaults for Paperclip.

This gem requires Ruby 1.9.2 or 1.9.3


Please read the Paperclip documentation to learn how to use Paperclip.

To use Paperclip::Defaults simply add it to your Gemfile and update config/application.rb or one of your config/environments/ files. In these files you can set the default options Hash for has_attached_file like so:

config.paperclip_defaults = {default_url: ""}


Pull requests are welcome, please make sure your patches are well tested before contributing. When sending a pull request:

  • Use a topic branch for your change
  • Add tests for your changes using MiniTest::Unit
  • Do not change the version number in the gemspec


Paperclip::Defaults is released under the MIT license.


Mark Kremer