The purpose of gem parseline is to help the developers to load external CSV and fixed width files.
sudo gem sources --add
sudo gem install shairontoledo-parseline
or from rubyforge
sudo gem install parseline
How to Use
A single data mapper
With ActiveRecord
Using CSV
You can use the files delimited by a character or using regexp. To demonstrate its we’ll use a migration/table
class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :products do |t|
t.integer :code
t.string :name
t.boolean :in_stock :date
t.float :price
def self.down
drop_table :products
and a given file called ‘data.csv’ with the content below.
1;PRODUT 1;Y;;11/21/2008;90.00
2;PRODUT 2;N;;11/22/2008;341.33
3;PRODUT 3;N;;11/01/2008;1.99
4;PRODUT 4;Y;;11/15/2008;34.98
5;PRODUT 5;N;;11/14/2008;130.44
6;PRODUT 6;Y;;11/05/2008;20.11
The descriptions of data layout are
product's code;name;if it is in stock;*reserved for future use*;date;price
As you can see we need format the column ‘in stock’ to boolean format and convert the date format from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD. For every parse.field call, you receive the field to format using a lambda block.
so, take a look at the ActiveRecord definition using the module ParseLine::CSV
require 'parseline'
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ParseLine::CSV
csv_layout :delimiter => ";" do |parse|
parse.field :code
parse.field :name
parse.field :in_stock, lambda {|s| s == 'Y' }
parse.field :date , lambda {|d| d.gsub(/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/,'\3-\1-\2') }
parse.field :price
Each column will be mapped into a field, except the column after :name that is being ignored.
Loading external file
There are two ways that load data, by line use method Product.load_line to return an instance of Product
@product=Product.load_line data_file.first #data will go to database
or loading from file with all records returns an array of Products
@products=Product.load_lines "data.csv"
Using Fixed Width
To load data with Fixed Width we need do a extend the module ParseLine::FixedWidth. It uses the same class methods to load data, the load_line and load_lines. See the file Fixed Width
000001PRODUT 1 Y 11/21/2008000090.00
000002PRODUT 2 N 11/22/2008000341.33
000003PRODUT 3 N 11/01/2008000001.99
000004PRODUT 4 Y 11/15/2008000034.98
000005PRODUT 5 N 11/14/2008000130.44
000006PRODUT 6 Y 11/05/2008000020.11
let’s split those lines and define a model like
require 'parseline'
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ParseLine::FixedWidth
fixed_width_layout do |parse|
parse.field :code , 0..5
parse.field :name, 6..21
parse.field :in_stock, 22..22, lambda {|s| s == 'Y' }
parse.field :date , 24..33, lambda {|d| d.gsub(/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/,'\3-\1-\2') }
parse.field :price, 34..42
After that
@products=Product.load_lines "data.txt"
With whatever class
Using Fixed Width
require 'rubygems'
require 'parseline'
class Person
attr_accessor :id
attr_accessor :age
extend ParseLine::FixedWidth
fixed_width_layout do |parse|
parse.field :id, 0..4
parse.field :age, 5..6
After that
@people=Person.load_lines "data.txt"
@people.each{|person| p "id=#{} and age=#{person.age}" }
Remember to use the parse module It’s easy to do, so enjoy and make money with it!