
Parsey is a simple class to match a string with a pattern and retrieve data from it. It takes a string, a pattern, and a hash of regular expressions (as strings). The pattern is filled with the regular expressions and then that is matched to the string given.

The pattern uses {} to surround the name of the regex it should be replaced with. You can also use <> to surround parts of the pattern that are optional, though these obviously must be nested properly.


(sudo) gem install parsey


partials = {'folder'    => '([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', 
           'file-name' => '([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]+)', 
           'ext'       => '(txt|jpg|png)'}

Parsey.parse('my-folder/my file.txt', '{folder}/{file-name}.{ext}', partials)
 #=> {"folder"=>"my-folder", "file-name"=>"my file", "ext"=>"txt"}

Parsey.parse('my file.txt', '<{folder}/>{file-name}.{ext}', partials)
 #=> {"file-name"=>"my file", "ext"=>"txt"}

Copyright (c) 2010 Joshua Hawxwell. See LICENSE for details.