PAS.rb – the ruby window to PAS API

This gem is a client library for querying PAS API. API docs can be found here:


  • ‘gem install pasrb`

  • ‘require pas`


pas_api.list_all_members # { "SAMPLEUSER" => {:id => 28746, :login => "SAMPLEUSER", ...}, "WTFOMG" => {:id => 28123, :login => "WTFOMG", ...} }


Most methods are safeguarded with rescues. If you have problems struggling with them, or you need explicit error messages, let me know, I’ll set up some anti-safeguards.

Important notes

That is some minimal subset of PAS API functions (I, for one, don’t need most of them), if you’d like to modify / add functionality, feel free to fork + pull request.

That is a working draft, although I could make use of it, hope it’s helpful for ya.

License & Authorship

PASrb is written by Mark Markiz Abramov and distributed under terms of MIT license.