


$ gem install passtools

     - or -

Using Bundler:

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'passtools'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


The gem must be configured before any calls can be successfully made. At the very least, the api_key is required and needs to be set. You can configure multiple values from a hash:

Passtools.configure(:api_key => 'i_am_an_api_key', :download_dir = "/tmp")

or from a yaml file:


You can also configure individual values directly via accessors:

Passtools.api_key = "i_am_an_api_key"

Once configured, there are 9 methods available to interact with the Passtools api. Returned JSON is parsed to provide Ruby data objects.


Returns all templates associated with user specified by the api_key

Returns detail information for individual template


Deletes a template from the user's account


Returns list of all Passes associated with user

Returns detail information for individual pass

Passtools::Pass.create(template_id, data)

Creates a new Pass based on specified template. Data is a nested hash containing data for fields, see data returned from the call for structure.

Passtools::Pass.add_locations(pass_id, data)

Add up to 10 'Relevant Locations' to pass. Data is a list containing data for locations, for example:

data = [{"latitude"=>37.4471107, "longitude"=>-122.16206219999998, "streetAddress1"=>"408 Florence St", "streetAddress2"=>"", "city"=>"Palo Alto", "region"=>"CA", "regionCode"=>"94301", "country"=>"US", "relevantText"=>"Palo Alto Office!"}]

Passtools::Pass.delete_location(pass_id, location_id)

Delete one 'Relevant Location' from pass. Location to be deleted should be specified by ID, available in data returned from the call.

Passtools::Pass.update(pass_id, data)

Updates pass data

Downloads Pass to the directory named by the 'download_dir' configuration value. Passes are named 'PassToolsPass.pkpass'


Delete pass from user's account


Push pass changes to all devices that have the pass installed

Example Code

Refer to the PassTools API wiki for more information about the data returned. Generally you are most likely to be interested in data from the fieldsModel key of the Template detail data.

Assuming you had a template with id 5 that returned the following from["fieldsModel"]

     "label"=>"First Name",
     "label"=>"Last Name",

You could create new Pass with:

data = {"first_name" => { "value" => "Abraham" }, 
        "last_name" => { "value" => "Lincoln" } }
Passtools::Pass.create(5, data)

You could use the same hash with the update call to edit values in an existing Pass based on the same template.

Using utility objects

There are some additional methods wrapping the data returned and creating an instantiated object that provides some methods for convenience

There are three constructors:


returns a Template instance that has read only accessors for the raw data, id, field names, and a field data hash that can be used for Pass creation.


returns a Pass instance that has read only accessors for id and template id. It also has read/write accessors for the raw data returned and each of the fields. Changes to either the raw data or the fields can be persisted with the #update method.


returns a templated Pass instance that has the same accessors as above. This instance can be persisted with the #create method. Once it persisted, further changes must be persisted with the #update method

Each Pass or Template instance has access to the API methods that make sense for an single object(eg. create, update, push, delete).


Given the same example as above you could:

template = Passtools::Template.build_from_current(5)
pass = Passtools::Pass.build_from_template(template)
pass.first_name['value'] = 'Abraham'
pass.last_name['value] = 'Lincoln'


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