
Pazuzu is a supervisor daemon that manages pools of application processes as daemons. Pazuzu uses Heroku's Procfile format and relies on Linux cgroups to encapsulate groups of process.

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Pazuzu controls applications. An application consists of workers. Each worker has a name and a command line. Each worker may have multiple instances of itself running.

For example, a typical application may consist of:

  • A Rails app, running under some web server like Thin or Unicorn.
  • A WebSockets app listening on a socket.
  • Some queue-processing daemons.
  • Some maintenance jobs that run now and then.

Applications are configured through a simple text format:

<key>:<command line>

For example:

main: bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb
queue_processor: bundle exec ruby app/queue_processor.rb
web_socket_server: node lib/server.js

Pazuzu will control the lifecycle of each worker. Main points:

  • Workers can be started and stopped by issuing appropriate commands.
  • Workers will be monitored and respawned if they crash.
  • If the desired number of workers is changed, new worker instances will be spawned or terminated as needed.
  • Recent output from workers is kept so that it can be viewed.
  • If Pazuzu crashes, workers will continue to run, and will be reattached when Pazuzu is restarted.

Pazuzu leaves the following to external tools:

  • Resource limiting. Use the Linux cgroups tools to limit CPU and memory usage.
  • Scaling. Use external tools to monitor load, and invoke the pazuzu command to change the number of workers.


gem install pazuzu


  • Ruby 1.9.1 or later.
  • Linux 2.6.24 or later with cgroups enabled in the kernel configuration.
  • The libcg binaries, which include cgcreate and cgexec.

Getting started

Create a minimal configuration /etc/pazuzu/pazuzu.conf:

    procfile: /srv/myapp

Create a minimal /srv/myapp/Procfile:

myworker: sleep 1h    

Start Pazuzu (non-daemonized):

sudo pazuzud

Configuration file

log_path: Set the log file. Specify syslog to use syslog. Defaults to stderr.

socket_path: Where to create a socket for accepting commands. Defaults to /var/run/pazuzud.socket.

include: Include another configuration file or a number of files. May be either a single file name/glob pattern or an array of file names/glob patterns (eg., /etc/pazuzu/conf.d/*.conf). The included files's keys are merged into the current configuration in the order of inclusion.

cgroups: Has the following sub-keys:

  • hiearchy_root: Root of hierarchy for all cgroups created. Defaults to pazuzu.

  • subsystems: An array of cgroups subsystem to attach each cgroup to. Defaults to memory, cpu, cpuacct and blkio (essentially all subsystems at the time of writing).

  • fs_root: Where the cgroups file system is mounted. Defaults to /sys/fs/cgroup, which may or may not be the default for your Linux distribution.

applications: This is where applications are listed. Each application has its own key. For example:

    procfile: /srv/foo

Each application has the following sub-keys:

  • procfile (required): The path to the procfile. If a directory, it's assumed that it contains a file named Procfile.
  • user: User name or UID to run the process as. Defaults to the user that Pazuzu runs as.
  • group: Group name or GID to run the process as. Defaults to the group that Pazuzu runs as.
  • workers: This key allows per-worker overrides. Each worker has its own key, which is the name specified in the Procfile.

For example:

    procfile: /srv/foo
        num_instances: 2

Each worker has the following sub-keys:

  • command_line: Override the worker's command line.
  • num_instances: The number of instances to run. Defaults to 1.