PBS Ruby

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Ruby wrapper for the Torque C Library utilizing Ruby-FFI. This has been successfully tested with Torque 4.2.10 and greater. Your mileage may vary.


Add this to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pbs'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


All communication with a specific batch server is handled through the Batch object. You can generate this object for a given batch server and Torque client installation as:

# Create new batch object for OSC's Oakley batch server
oakley = PBS::Batch.new(
  host: 'oak-batch.osc.edu',
  lib: '/usr/local/torque/default/lib',
  bin: '/usr/local/torque/bin'

# Get status information for this batch server
# see https://linux.die.net/man/7/pbs_server_attributes
#  "oak-batch.osc.edu:15001" => {
#    :server_state  => "Idle",
#    :total_jobs    => "2514",
#    :default_queue => "batch",
#    ...
#  }

# Get status information but only filter through specific attributes
oakley.get_status(filters: [:server_state, :total_jobs])
#  "oak-batch.osc.edu:15001" => {
#    :server_state  => "Idle",
#    :total_jobs    => "2514"
#  }

You can also query information about the nodes, queues, and jobs running on this batch server:

# Get list of nodes from batch server
#  "n0003" => {
#    :state       => "free",
#    :power_state => "Running",
#    :np          => "12",
#    ...
#  },
#  "n0004" => {
#    :state       => "free",
#    :power_state => "Running",
#    :np          => "12",
#    ...
#  }, ...

# To get info about a single node
#=> { ... }

# Get list of queues from batch server
# see https://linux.die.net/man/7/pbs_queue_attributes
#  "batch" => {
#    :queue_type => "Route",
#    :total_jobs => "2",
#    :enabled    => "True",
#    ...
#  },
#  "serial" => {
#    :queue_type => "Execution",
#    :total_jobs => "2386",
#    :enabled    => "True",
#    ...
#  }, ...

# To get info about a single queue
#=> { ... }

# Get list of jobs from batch server
# see https://linux.die.net/man/7/pbs_job_attributes
#  "6621251.oak-batch.osc.edu" => {
#    :Job_Name  => "FEA_solver",
#    :Job_Owner => "bob@oakley01.osc.edu",
#    :job_state => "Q",
#    ...
#  },
#  "6621252.oak-batch.osc.edu" => {
#    :Job_Name  => "CFD_solver",
#    :Job_Owner => "sally@oakley02.osc.edu",
#    :job_state => "R",
#    ...
#  }, ...

# To get info about a single job
#=> { ... }

# Get selected list of jobs from batch server
# see https://linux.die.net/man/3/pbs_selstat
b.select_jobs(attribs: [{name: "User_List", value: "bob", op: :eq}])
#  "6621261.oak-batch.osc.edu" => {
#    :Job_Name  => "FEA_solver_1",
#    :Job_Owner => "bob@oakley01.osc.edu",
#    :job_state => "R",
#    ...
#  },
#  "6621262.oak-batch.osc.edu" => {
#    :Job_Name  => "FEA_solver_2",
#    :Job_Owner => "bob@oakley01.osc.edu",
#    :job_state => "Q",
#    ...
#  }, ...

Simple Job Submission

To submit a script to the batch server:

# Simple job submission
job_id = b.submit_script("/path/to/script")
#=> "7166037.oak-batch.osc.edu"

# Get job information for this job
#=> { ... }

# Hold this job

# Release this job

# Delete this job

To submit a string to the batch server:

# Submit a string to the batch server
job_id = b.submit_string("sleep 60")

The above command will actually generate a temporary file on the local disk and submit that to the batch server before it is cleaned up.

Advanced Job Submission

You can programmatically define the PBS directives of your choosing. They will override any set within the batch script.

Define headers:

# Define headers:
#   -N job_name
#   -j oe
#   -o /path/to/output
headers = {
  PBS::ATTR[:N] => "job_name",
  PBS::ATTR[:j] => "oe",
  PBS::ATTR[:o] => "/path/to/output"

# or you can directly call the key
headers = {
  Job_Name: "job_name",
  Join_Path: "oe",
  Output_Path: "/path/to/output"

Define resources (directives that begin with -l):

# Define resources:
#   -l nodes=1:ppn=12
#   -l walltime=05:00:00
resources = {
  nodes: "1:ppn=12",
  walltime: "05:00:00"

Define environment variables (directive that begins with -v):

# Define environment variables that will be exposed to batch job
envvars = {
  TOKEN: 'a8dsjf873js0k',
  USE_GUI: 1

Submit job with these directives:

# Advanced job submission
job_id = b.submit_script("/path/to/script", headers: headers, resources: resources, envvars: envvars)

# Get job info


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update and commit the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/OSC/pbs-ruby.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.