PDF Service

This is a simple Rack server that accepts web requests posting HTML to be converted into PDF. Uses the wkhtmltopdf binaries.

Instant installation and deploy

  • Clone this: git clone git://github.com/JackDanger/pdfservice.git
  • Signup for an account at Heroku (better details here)
  • push it to Heroku.com: git push heroku master


Once the server is running you need to post a string of html to it and that string will be rendered in WebKit and returned to you as a PDF document.

require 'pdfservice'
client = PdfService::Client.new 'http://my-pdfservice-app.heroku.com'
pdf_content = client.render '<html></html>'

Or, straight from a terminal:

curl -X POST http://my-pdfservice-app.heroku.com/ -d '<html></html>' > file.pdf

Patches welcome, forks celebrated.

Copyright (c) 2010 Jack Danger Canty. Released under the MIT License.