
What is This

Peaberry is a clone of the dotjs server(djsd). One advantage of Peaberry is that it can serve CoffeeScript(s).

How to Install

Browser Extension

Install a dotjs extension for your browser. dotjs comes with a extension for Chrome. See README in dotjs for case of other browsers.

Dotjs Daemon

Stop djsd if one is running.

$ launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.dotjs.plist

You should also remove or rename this to avoid its startup on your logging in.

Then run

$ peaberry install

to deploy com.github.peaberry.plist.

All should work as same as djsd did.


Thanks to sprockets, you can split scripts into parts.

For example, following ~/.js/ will include all scripts in ~/.js/default directory and will be served as default.js.

# require_tree ./default