Retrieve reviews and ratings from the App Store.
gem install peekapp
How to
For advanced functionnalities you should read the source. Peekapp can only retrieve ratings & reviews from the Canadian App Store (this will be fixed soon).
require "peekapp"
# Get the App
app = Peekapp::Apps::find 390574988 # App ID
# Get reviews for this App
# => [#<Review:0x102237a28 @data={
# :title => "Amazing",
# :comment => "Best Twitter app on the face of the planet!",
# :username => "Thomas Gallagher",
# :rating => 5,
# :user_id => 33308895,
# :version => "2.0",
# :date => "9-Oct-2009",
# :id =>"title + username")
# }>, ...]
# And the ratings...
# => [#Rating:0x1029372a23 @data={
# :current => { "1": 38, "2": 12, "3": 23, "4": 25, "5": 105 },
# :all => { "1": 2736, "2": 749, "3": 1045, "4": 1103, "5": 3880 },
# :store_id => "143455-5,12"
# }>, ...]
Since Peekapp is scraping the App Store, you might experience some problems if Apple change iTunes' html layout. I've made some tests and the App Store is updated every 20 minutes (ballpark). So don't waste your time trying to get real time ratings & reviews.
- Create unit tests w/ FakeWeb
- Allow international App Stores
- iTunes Connect support