
<img src=“https://secure.travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/pennyworth.png” />

Enhances and extends Alfred by providing a Ruby command line interface (CLI) via Alfred Extensions. Each Alfred Extension, packaged as part of this gem, references back to the Ruby CLI. Output is provided via Growl.


  • Adds Ruby support to Alfred.

  • Adds the launch_browsers file extension.

  • Adds the apple_say script extension.

  • Adds the directory_size script extension.

  • Adds the edit_bash_file script extension.

  • Adds the edit_dotfile script extension.

  • Adds the edit_file script extension.

  • Adds the mac_serial script extension.

  • Adds the mem_purge script extension.

  • Adds the open_url_in_chrome script extension.

  • Adds the open_url_in_opera script extension.

  • Adds the open_url_in_safari script extension.

  • Adds the restart_rails script extension.

  • Adds the string_capitalize script extension.

  • Adds the string_downcase script extension.

  • Adds the string_length script extension.

  • Adds the string_upcase script extension.


  1. Mac OS X

  2. Alfred

  3. Alfred Powerpack.

  4. Growl.

  5. rbenv.

  6. Ruby 1.9.x.


Type the following from the command line to install:

gem install pennyworth

You can configure common settings for future gem builds by creating the following file:


…using the following settings (for example):

:alfred_settings_root: "/Users/brooke/Dropbox/Cache/Alfred"


From the command line, type: pennyworth

pennyworth -e, [edit]     # Edit gem settings in default editor (assumes $EDITOR environment variable).
pennyworth -h, [help]     # Show this message.
pennyworth -i, [install]  # Install Alfred Extensions.
pennyworth -s, [string]   # Manipulate strings.
pennyworth -v, [version]  # Show version.

For string options, type: pennyworth help string

-d, [--downcase=one two three]    # Downcase a string.
-u, [--upcase=one two three]      # Upcase a string.
-c, [--capitalize=one two three]  # Capitalize words in a string.
-l, [--length=one two three]      # Answer the length of a string.

While the command line options are nice, the real power comes from running the following command:

pennyworth -i

…which installs the Alfred Extensions packaged as part of this gem. You can then use the Alfred commands provided by each extension rather than use the CLI. Check the documentation of each installed extension (as listed in the features list above) for further usage.


To test, do the following:

  1. cd to the gem root.

  2. bundle install

  3. bundle exec rspec spec


Please log all feedback/issues via GitHub Issues for the project. Thanks.


Developed by Brooke Kuhlmann at Red Alchemist


Copyright © 2012 Red Alchemist. Read the LICENSE for details.


Read the CHANGELOG for details. Built with Gemsmith.