Persona is a minimal personal content manager. It is designed for geeks: you need to have Ruby and Git installed in your machine, and know how to use it. However, you don't need to be a Ruby developer.
- it's for geeks
- it's minimal (150 lines of code at the moment)
- leverage cloud services and infrastructure
- lets you create a website for free (no hosting fees)
In this stage it's a work in progress, without much documentation.
You need to have
- Ruby (1.8.7 or 1.9.2)
- RubyGems
- git
- a Rack compatible HTTP Server
installed on your machine.
If you don't have a Rack server, or you don't know what is it, after you have installed Ruby and RubyGems just type
$ gem install thin
Notice: depending on your installation, you might see some problem with permissions while executing the previous command. In this case, try
$ sudo gem install thin
Create your site
$ gem install persona
$ persona create_site myblog
$ cd myblog
Test your website
From the 'myblog' folder, start your Rack server. If you installed thin, type
$ thin start
and open your browser to localhost:3000
Add contents
Pages and blog posts are (at the moment, will likely change soon) specified in HTML-ish files inside the folders /contents/pages and /contents/posts. Have a look at the sample provided in your website.
Every file specifies in the first 3 rows some metadata (title, author and date) and, after a blank line, the HTML content of the page/post.
To add a new page, just create another .txt file in the /contents/page folder. If the file is called myfile.txt, it will immediately be visible at http://localhost:3000/pages/myfile
To add a new blog post, create a .txt file with this naming convention:
The folders public views config contain files you can customize. Have a look!
What to do next
A few things you might want to do next
- open a github account and project, and upload your website there
- open a Heroku account, and deploy your website there
Note that, since your website doesn't use a database, you can use the Heroku free plan!
(that's it for now, will post more details soon)