PGCrypto for ActiveRecord::Base

PGCrypto adds seamless column-level encryption to your ActiveRecord::Base subclasses. It's literally one giant hack, so I make no promises as to its efficacy in the real world beyond my tiny, Rails-3.2-based utopia.


PGCrypto will load the pgcrypto extension into your database if you haven't already, but this change will NOT get propagated to your schema.rb file, so... go figure. You'll have to CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto any database built from the schema file (HINT that means your test databases). Anyway, do the following.

  1. Add pgcrypto to your Gemfile:

    gem "pgcrypto"
  2. Then bundle it:

  3. Generate the migration and the initializer:

    rails g pgcrypto:install
    rake db:migrate
  4. Edit the initializer in config/initializers/pgcrypto.rb to point to your public and private GPG keys:

    PGCrypto.keys[:private] = {:path => "~/.keys/private.key"}
    PGCrypto.keys[:public] = {:path => "~/.keys/public.key"}
  5. Tell the User class to encrypt and decrypt the social_security_number attribute on the fly:

    class User < ActiveRecord::Base
        # ... all kinds of neat stuff ...
        pgcrypto :social_security_number
        # ... some other fun stuff
  6. Profit

    User.create!(:social_security_number => "466-99-1234") #=> #<User with stuff>
    User.last.social_security_number #=> "466-99-1234"

BAM. It looks innocuous on your end, but on the back end that beast is storing the social security number in a GPG-encrypted column that can only be decrypted with your secure key.


If you want to bundle your public key with your application, PGCrypto will automatically load RAILS_ROOT/.pgcrypto, so feel free to put your public key in there. You can also tell PGCrypto about your keys in a number of fun ways. The most straightforward is to assign the actual content of the key manually:

PGCrypto.keys[:private] = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- ..."

You can also give it more specific stuff:

PGCrypto.keys[:private] = {:path => ".private.key", :armored => false, :password => "myKeyPASSwhichizneededBRO"}

This is especially important if you password protect your private key files (and you SHOULD, for the record)!

I recommend deploy-time passing of your private key and password, to ensure it doesn't wind up in any long-term storage on your server, since if you're using this library you presumably care a little bit about security:

PGCrypto.keys[:private] = {:value => ENV['PRIVATE_KEY'], :password => ENV['PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD']}

Warranty (or lack thereof)

As I mentioned before, this library is one HUGE hack. This is just scratching the surface of keeping your data secure. For example, if you don't protect your log files, anyone who can read them can get your private and public keys and decrypt whatever the hell they want. You'll also have to scrub your logs, because un-encrypted data is displayed right alongside those private and public keys.

Basically, this will make it easy to start with asymmetric, GPG-based, column-level encryption in PostgreSQL. But that's about it; the rest is up to you.

As such, the author and Delightful Widgets Inc. offer ABSOLUTELY NO GODDAMN WARRANTY. As I mentioned, this works great in our Rails 3.2 world, but YMMV if your version of Arel or ActiveRecord are ahead or behind ours. Sorry, folks.

Copyright (C) 2012 Delightful Widgets, Inc. Built by Flip Sasser, Monkeypatcher Extraordinaire!