pgxn utils

What is it?

PGXN Utils are a set of tasks that help developers to create PostgreSQL extensions, putting the extension's files in the recomended places and helping to bundle and release them to PGXN.

How to install it?

If you have the PGXN client installed you can do:

pgxn install pgxn_utils

Or you can install it with rubygems:

gem install pgxn_utils

How does it work?

It is all about tasks. Let's see them:

$ pgxn-utils help
  pgxn-utils bundle [extension_name]  # Bundle the extension in a zip file
  pgxn-utils change [extension_name]  # Change META.json attributes
  pgxn-utils help [TASK]              # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  pgxn-utils release filename         # Release an extension to PGXN
  pgxn-utils skeleton extension_name  # Create an extension skeleton in current directory

Creating a new extension

$ pgxn-utils skeleton my_cool_extension
      create  my_cool_extension
      create  my_cool_extension/my_cool_extension.control
      create  my_cool_extension/.gitignore
      create  my_cool_extension/.template
      create  my_cool_extension/META.json
      create  my_cool_extension/Makefile
      create  my_cool_extension/
      create  my_cool_extension/doc/
      create  my_cool_extension/sql/my_cool_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_extension/sql/uninstall_my_cool_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_extension/test/expected/base.out
      create  my_cool_extension/test/sql/base.sql

Thats it! Just start coding! ":)

Git support

You can start a new extension with or without version control. By default pgxn-utils supports git but it will not create a repository unless you use --git option in the skeleton task.

$ pgxn-utils skeleton my_cool_versioned_extension --git
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/my_cool_versioned_extension.control
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/.gitignore
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/.template
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/META.json
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/Makefile
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/doc/
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/sql/my_cool_versioned_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/sql/uninstall_my_cool_versioned_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/test/expected/base.out
      create  my_cool_versioned_extension/test/sql/base.sql
        init  /tmp/my_cool_versioned_extension
      commit  initial commit

When you create a new extension with git support in addition to creating the skeleton, pgxn-utils will initialize a git repository and create the initial commit.

Once you have your extension in a git repository your bundle will use only the committed files to create the archive, but if your repository is dirty then pgxn-utils will suggest that you to commit or stash your changes before bundling.

You must be careful with new files not added to repository, because they will not be archived.

Default templates

pgxn-utils has three templates: sql, c and fdw. If you call skeleton without specifying a template, sql is the default. But if your extension will supply some C modules or you will create a FDW, you can create the extension calling skeleton with a --template option.

$ pgxn-utils skeleton my_cool_c_extension --template=c
      create  my_cool_c_extension
      create  my_cool_c_extension/my_cool_c_extension.control
      create  my_cool_c_extension/.gitignore
      create  my_cool_c_extension/.template
      create  my_cool_c_extension/META.json
      create  my_cool_c_extension/Makefile
      create  my_cool_c_extension/
      create  my_cool_c_extension/doc/
      create  my_cool_c_extension/sql/my_cool_c_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_c_extension/sql/uninstall_my_cool_c_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_c_extension/src/my_cool_c_extension.c
      create  my_cool_c_extension/test/expected/base.out
      create  my_cool_c_extension/test/sql/base.sql

$ pgxn-utils skeleton my_cool_fdw_extension --template=fdw
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/my_cool_fdw_extension.control
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/.gitignore
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/.template
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/META.json
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/Makefile
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/doc/
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/sql/my_cool_fdw_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/sql/uninstall_my_cool_fdw_extension.sql
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/src/my_cool_fdw_extension_fdw.c
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/test/expected/base.out
      create  my_cool_fdw_extension/test/sql/base.sql

The templates contain example code and some links to PostgreSQL documentation that will try to help you to start coding. SQL and C templates contains some test examples, and the example code will compile and pass make installcheck. However, this code is intended to be an example, and you must write your own tests and code.

Custom templates

If you don't like the templates provided by pgxn-utils you can create you own. Just create a directory with at least a META.json or file and then use your directory as argument to the --template option.

To know how create your own template, see the examples in the templates directory.

Changing something

Suppose you want to change the default maintainer's name and the license, just do:

$ pgxn-utils change my_cool_extension --maintainer "Dickson Guedes" --license bsd
    conflict  META.json
Overwrite /tmp/my_cool_extension/META.json? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh]
     "name": "my_cool_extension",
     "abstract": "A short description",
     "description": "A long description",
     "version": "0.0.1",
-    "maintainer": "The maintainer's name",
+    "maintainer": "Dickson Guedes",
-    "license": "postgresql",
+    "license": "bsd",
     "provides": {
        "my_cool_extension": {
           "abstract": "A short description",
           "file": "sql/my_cool_extension.sql",
           "docfile": "doc/",
           "version": "0.0.1"
     "release_status": "unstable",
     "generated_by": "The maintainer's name",
     "meta-spec": {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "url": ""
Overwrite /tmp/my_cool_extension/META.json? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh]
       force  META.json
   identical  my_cool_extension.control

It will wait until you decide what to do.

For all switches that you can use with change, type:

$ pgxn-utils help change
  pgxn-utils change [extension_name]

  -p, [--target=TARGET]                  # Define the target directory
                                         # Default: .
  -m, [--maintainer=MAINTAINER]          # Maintainer's name <maintainer@email>
  -a, [--abstract=ABSTRACT]              # Defines a short description to abstract
  -l, [--license=LICENSE]                # The extension license.
  -v, [--version=VERSION]                # Initial version
  -d, [--description=DESCRIPTION]        # A long text that contains more information about extension
  -b, [--generated-by=GENERATED_BY]      # Name of extension's generator
  -t, [--tags=one two three]             # Defines extension's tags
  -r, [--release-status=RELEASE_STATUS]  # Initial extension's release status

Changes META's attributes in current extension

Bundling and Releasing!

Assuming you've created a PGXN Manager account, once you've finished your work you can bundle it to send to PGXN. Note that if your extension is in a git repository, bundle will use only the committed files to create the archive, and if your repository is dirty, pgxn-utils will suggest that you commit or stash your changes before bundling.

Let's bundle it:

$ pgxn-utils bundle my_cool_extension
         create /home/guedes/extensions/

and release it:

$ pgxn-utils release
Enter your PGXN username: guedes
Enter your PGXN password: ******
Trying to release ... released successfully!

You can export the PGXN_USER and PGXN_PASSWORD environment variables to avoid typing your username and password every time.

PGXN Client integration

If you have PGXN client installed you can change the command line from pgxn-utils some_task to pgxn some_task and this will save you some typing. See:

$ cd /tmp
$ pgxn skeleton --help
PGXN Utils version: 0.1.4
  pgxn skeleton extension_name

      [--git]                            # Initialize a git repository after create the extension
  -a, [--abstract=ABSTRACT]              # Defines a short description to abstract
  -p, [--target=TARGET]                  # Define the target directory
                                         # Default: .
      [--template=TEMPLATE]              # The template that will be used to create the extension. Expected values are: sql, c, fdw
                                         # Default: sql
  -r, [--release-status=RELEASE_STATUS]  # Initial extension's release status
  -d, [--description=DESCRIPTION]        # A long text that contains more information about extension
  -b, [--generated-by=GENERATED_BY]      # Name of extension's generator
  -l, [--license=LICENSE]                # The extension license
  -t, [--tags=one two three]             # Defines extension's tags
  -v, [--version=VERSION]                # Initial version
  -m, [--maintainer=MAINTAINER]          # Maintainer's name <maintainer@email>

Creates an extension skeleton in current directory

$ pgxn skeleton test
      create  test
      create  test/test.control
      create  test/.gitignore
      create  test/.template
      create  test/META.json
      create  test/Makefile
      create  test/
      create  test/doc/
      create  test/sql/test.sql
      create  test/sql/uninstall_test.sql
      create  test/test/expected/base.out
      create  test/test/sql/base.sql

$ cd test/
$ pgxn bundle
         run  make distclean from "."
      create  /tmp/

Working in progress

  • proxy support
  • improve git support
  • improve custom templates

Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Dickson S. Guedes.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the PostgreSQL License.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.

In no event shall Dickson S. Guedes be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if Dickson S. Guedes has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Dickson S. Guedes specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Dickson S. Guedes has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.