PHCDevworks Notifications for Rails 7 (Form Validation & Notification Engine)
Say goodbye to clunky, confusing alerts and form validation notifications on your website! PHCDevworks offers easy-to-use Rails 7 helper engine and partial views that can help you implement clear, concise, and user-friendly alerts.
- Easily add alert and form validation helpers to your Ruby on Rails project.
- Set up in seconds with just one line of code in the application_helper file.
- Keep your Rails projects manageable, tidy, and secure while saving time.
Step 1 - Add PHCDevworks Notifications to your gemfile
gem 'phcdevworks_notifications'
bundle install
Step 2 - Load Helpers in the Application's Controller
Add the line of code below into your app/controllers/application_controller.rb (application's controller file).
helper PhcdevworksNotifications::Engine.helpers
How to Add Bootstrap 4 Notifications to Layouts
Add the line of code below to your app/views/layouts/application.rb
<%= render 'phcdevworks_notifications/bootstrap/notifications' %>
How to Add Bootstrap 4 Validations to your Form
Add the line of code below to your _form.rb file. Change @example_object to the same one on your form.
<%= render 'phcdevworks_notifications/bootstrap/validations', :object => @example_object %>