
Simple Ruby client for the Phono API.


  phono = Phono::Client.new('424242424242424242424242')

Getting all instances of an entity


Results are paginated. You can play with page and per_page parameters.


  phono.all('products', {
    'sort' => 'price.asc'


  phono.all('products', {
    'filters' => {
      'price' => {
        '$lt' => 10.0

      'category' => '1234567890ezrzerzrzer'

Getting a given instance of an entity

  phono.find('products', '2323...')

Creating an instance of an entity

  phono.create('products', {
    'name'  => 'San Pellegrino',
    'price' => 42.5

Updating an instance of an entity

  phono.update('products', '2323...', {
    'name'  => 'San Pellegrino',
    'price' => 42.5

Destroying an instance of an entity

  phono.destroy('products', '2323...')

Displaying pictures

Get the original's URL :


Get a resized version :


Get a resized and cropped version :


You can also force the resize (with deformation) :


Cache control

All JSON responses are cached (5 minutes by default) for performance. You can override this timeout by passing the value you want as a 2nd parameter to the client's constructor :

  Phono::Client.new('424242424242424242424242', 3600) # responses will be cached for 1 hour