
Gem Version

physical-activity-recorder is a command line tool to record and plan physical activity.


Command line

Install via gem:

; gem install physical-activity-recorder

You may add sudo before the above command to install it globally.

You can also clone this repo and run rake install.


Although physical-activity-recorder is a command line tool, you can also use it as a library.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'physical-activity-recorder'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Command line usage


; physical-activity-recorder help
            physical-activity-recorder moderate_minutes [vigorous_minutes, notes]
            physical-activity-recorder query


You do half an hour of running:

; physical-activity-recorder 0 30 'running'

That is, it is best to exercise again before Soft. If you are a bit lazy, you can postpone it to before Hard.

United States Department of Agriculture recommends at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate activity each week, and suggests 5 or more hours activity per week can provide even more health benefits. Soft and Hard are roughly calculated based on this. (There may be some slight differences for implement simplicity.)

With vigorous activities, you get similar health benefits in half the time it takes you with moderate ones.

There is a simple rule to distinguish moderate and vigorous activity:

  • When you do moderate activity, you cannot sing.
  • When you do vigorous activity, you cannot speak.

See What is Physical Activity? for examples of moderate and vigorous activity.

Say, next day you do 2 hours of walking briskly:

; physical-activity-recorder 120 0 'walking'

You can omit notes if you only want to record time:

; physical-activity-recorder 120

This will extend Soft and Hard.

Be aware:

  1. If you exercise less than 10 minutes, it will be recorded but Soft and Hard will not be extended. You'd better exercise more than 10 minutes at a time.
  2. Soft and Hard won't exceed 7 days from now. Dedicating several days to exercises does not mean you need no exercise for several weeks. Also, for example, you have stopped exercising for one month since you are in the hospital, it does not make sense to make up that month afterwards.

You can query Soft and Hard via

; physical-activity-recorder query

or if you are lazy:

; physical-activity-recorder q

Exercising records are stored in:

  1. PHYSICAL_ACTIVITY_RECORDS if this environment varibale is set
  2. physical-activity-recorder under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config otherwise

The data store format is Daybreak.

Library usage

require `physical-activity-recorder`
Physical_activity_recorder.func [arguments]

func is one of the following:

  • record
  • add_to_records
  • plan

See documentation for more information.


We use RubyDoctest for testing. (Note that before my pull requests get merged, you need to use my branch.)

There is a rake task for it:

rake test


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Signing commits with gpg is optional, but preferred.