
Classes for representing amounts of money or virtual money.

Currently it has GBP and Chips currencies built in.


# The amount can be given in as the usual value or the integer value:
GBP[5.20] == GBP.new(520) # => true

# They are comparable:
GBP[3.10] > GBP[3.09] # => true
GBP[3.10] > GBP[3.10] # => false

# You can compare with an integer value
GBP[3.10] > 309 # => true

# Equality check is more strict:
GBP[3.10] == 310 # => false

# Objects are instances of Picklive::Currency::Base
GBP[3.10].is_a? Picklive::Currency::Base # => true

GBP[3.10].to_s # => "£3.10"
Chips[100].to_s # => "100 Chips"

Chips[100].class.real? # => false
Chips[100].class.virtual? # => true
GBP[3.10].class.real? # => true

class Transaction
  attr_accessor :amount_in_pennies
  attr_accessor :currency_code
  include Picklive::Currency::ModelMethods
  include Picklive::Currency::Converters
  currency_field :amount

t = Transaction.new
t.amount_in_pennies = 310
t.currency_code = 'GBP'

t.amount # => <GBP:3.1>
t.amount_in_currency # => <GBP:3.1>

t.amount = Chips[100]
t.amount_in_pennies # => 100
t.currency_code # => "chips"