
With the help of this gem you can easily have the counter as a pie for your application on load(page load). :-)


First thing you need to do is the installation , you can follow the below mentioned steps to install the gem inside your rails application. You need to add sudo if you are not using rvm(ruby version manager)

gem install pietimer-cis -v 0.0.5

Add this following line in your Gemfile and then run bundle install.

gem "pietimer-cis", "~> 0.0.5"


Once you have installed this gem you can do the following :-

Call generater for required js of pietimer-cis.

rails generate pietimer_cis:install



'pietimer_tag' put where you want the pietimer.

  = pietimer_tag(:id=>"demo",:time=>10,:color=>'green',:callback=>"function(){alert('Hello World')}") 

here,in pietimer_tag we can set any time period,color and can call any function but that must be defined.


  = pietimer_tag(:id=>"demo",:time=>10,:color=>'green',:callback=>"function(){test();}")
function test(){
    alert("This is testing");