
A Ruby gem wrapper for the pin-payments ( API, all of it.

Support for Ruby 1.9.x & Ruby 2.0.0


gem install pin_up

or add:

gem 'pin_up'

to your Gemfile.


If using rails add an initializer to your app:"your key")

An option second paramater can be passed in to set the environment (:live or :test). The default is :live.


List All Charges
Find A Charge
Search For A Charge{query: "foo", end_date: "Mar 25, 2013"})

See for a full list of options.

Create A Charge
charge = {email: "[email protected]", description: "Description", amount: "400", currency: "AUD", ip_address: "", customer_token: "cus_token"   }



List All Customers
Find A Customer
List Charges For A Customer
Create A Customer
Pin::Customer.create(email, hash_of_customer_details)

customer_details = {number: '5520000000000000', expiry_month: "12", expiry_year: "2014", cvc: "123", name: 'Roland Robot', address_line1: '123 fake street', address_city: 'Melbourne', address_postcode: '1234', address_state: 'Vic', address_country: 'Australia'}

Pin::Customer.create('[email protected]', customer_details)
Update A Customer
Update Card details

Pin::Customer.update('cus_token', hash_of_details)

If passing a hash of details, it must be the full list of details of the credit card to be stored. (

Update only an email

hash_of_details = {email: '[email protected]'}
Pin::Customer.update('cus_token', hash_of_details)
Update card by token

hash_of_details = {card_token: 'new_card_token'}
Pin::Customer.update('cus_token', hash_of_details)
Creat A Customer Given a Card Token and Email
card_details = {number: "5520000000000000", expiry_month: "12", expiry_year: "2018", cvc: "123", name: "Roland TestRobot", address_line1: "123 Fake Road", address_line2: "", address_city: "Melbourne", address_postcode: "1223", address_state: "Vic", address_country: "AU"}

card = Pin::Card.create(card_details)
Pin::Customer.create('[email protected]',card['token'])


Find A Refund

This will list all refunds for a particular charge (will return an empty hash if nothing is found)

Create A Refund Specifying An Amount
Pin::Refund.create('charge_token', '400')
Create A Refund For Entire Charge Amount


Create A Card Without Pins Form
card_details = {number: "5520000000000000", expiry_month: "12", expiry_year: "2018", cvc: "123", name: "Roland Robot", address_line1: "123 Fake Road", address_line2: "", address_city: "Melbourne", address_postcode: "1223", address_state: "Vic", address_country: "AU"}


Will return a card_token that can be stored against a customer.

Only use this method if you're comfortable sending card details to your server - otherwise you can use a form that Pin provides ( and get the card_token that way.

Testing localy

Create a YAML file under 'spec' called 'test_data.yml' and add in:

PIN_SECRET: "your pin test secret"


rspec spec/*.rb


  • Validate a response before it gets sent to Pin (eg. Update customer)
  • Pagination
  • Better error handling (for 4** responses)

Contributing to pin_up

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Nitsikopoulos. See LICENSE.txt for further details.