# Create yum repo in the output directory curl -X POST bh01.frameos.org:4567/createrepo
# Create a snapshot of the output directory curl -X POST bh01.frameos.org:4567/createsnapshot
# Clean output dir curl -X POST bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/clean
# Clean failed dir curl -X POST bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/clean -ddir=failed
# list failed jobs (yaml) curl bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/failed
# server stats (yaml) curl bh01.frameos.org:4567/server/stats
# job stats (yaml) curl bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/stats
# list successfully built pkgs curl bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/successful
# Rebuild a previous job (It can be either successful or failed build) curl -X POST bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/rebuild/job_XXXXX_XXXX
# Get job info curl bh01.frameos.org:4567/job/job_XXXXX_XXXX