PNSlurp allows you to manage a release note file and upload the notes into ProjectNotifier.
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request.
$gem install pnslurp
PNSlurp requires a slurper_config.yml file in your working directory. This file contains your ProjectNotifier API information.
account: my account
project: my project
token: 123abc123abc123abc
default_tags: everyone, dev
ssl: true
Note: ssl might not be enabled yet on
The account and project tells ProjectNotifier which project to add your notes to. It can be found on the url for the project.
The token can be found under the Account menu in ProjectNotifier.
Create a notes.slurper file and compose your notes in the slurper notes format. In your working directory use the slurp command to import your notes from the notes.slurper file into ProjectNotifier. PNSlurp looks for a notes.slurper file in your current directory by default, however, you can provide an alternate note source file if necessary.
$slurp ~/notes.slurper
Also valid
$slurp ~/special_notes.slurper
Or even
$slurp ~/mynotes.txt
Example notes.slurper
Completed important feature
This feature is really cool and this is how you can inspect it.
Completed important feature
This feature is really cool and this is how you can inspect it.
Note: the note source file is whitespace-sensitive. Be sure the value for each key phrase is indented with two spaces beneath each key phrase. Also, start each note with a double-equals on its own line.
Your best bet is to leverage slurper.vim or TextMate and benefit auto-indenting goodness.
Credit - Thank you to the Hashrocket crew for their PivotalTracker slurper gem. The ProjectNotifier gem completely leveraged their hard work.