
Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file lib/pokemon_lookup. To experiment with that code, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.

Classroom example of a wrapper gem. Using OOP to wrap the PokéAPI at https://pokeapi.co/


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pokemon_lookup'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pokemon_lookup


To see a list of Pokemon by id, try this code.

print "How many Pokemon would you like to see?: "
query_amount = gets.chomp

print "Which page would you like to see?: "
page = gets.chomp

Pokemon.print_list(page, query_amount)
  • page is for pagination and has a default of 1
  • query_amount is the number of pokemon on a page and has a default of 20

To see an individual Pokemon, you can pass in the id or name of the Pokemon with the code below.

print "Type the name or id of the pokemon you want to see: "
pokemon_input = gets.chomp

pokemon = Pokemon.catch(pokemon_input)

Methods on a Pokemon

  • raw_data, returns all data from the PokéAPI request in ruby
  • id, returns PokéAPI reference id
  • name, returns name of the pokemon
  • weight, returns weight of the pokemon
  • types, returns all types for this pokemon
  • abilities, returns all abilities for this pokemon
  • moves, returns all moves for this pokemon
  • stats, returns all stats for this pokemon, includes the stat's name, effort and base stat
  • print_types, prints a formatted display of this pokemon's types
  • print_abilities, prints a formatted display of this pokemon's abilities
  • print_moves, prints a formatted display of this pokemon's moves
  • print_stats, prints a formatted display of this pokemon's stats
  • print_info, prints all formatted information for a pokemon.

The formatted printing methods assume a terminal width of 60 columns, if you want to configure a different terminal width you can use the following code.

Pokemon.terminal_width # returns current terminal size configuration
Pokemon.terminal_width = 80 # new terminal size


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.