
Build Status is a fantastic site for getting inspiration for new postrock artists and tracks.

I use it every tuesday(when new tracks are released) so I build this gem to get Spotify links from the tracks. Oh how awesome! Do you know what's even more awesome?! Creating a gorgeous Postrock playlist out of this, oh yeah


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'postrocktues'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install postrocktues



First of all, you need a Spotify premium account, if you don't have one pay up and get one! You'll thank me later!!

  1. Log into your account and get the appkey for this project to work. Consult the documentation here on how do do this.
  2. Place the app_key.key file in the root of this project
  3. Enter your Spotify credentials into the config.yml file, there is an example provided.
  4. Let's fire up irb/pry and get this working!

Some code examples!

require 'postrocktues'
feed =
tracks = feed.tracks
# This step unfortunatly takes a while..
# since it has to search for all of the tracks
track = tracks.last
#=> "Your Hand In Mine"
#=> "Explosions in the Sky"
#=> "spotify:track:2kZVhrdxG7BEIsyrTJYdq9"
#=> ""

Here's how you would create a playlist out of the tracks!

playlist =
playlist.add tracks # tracks comes from the previous example
playlist.upload # uploads it to Spotify

Then just pop open Spotify and enjoy some glorious Postrock.


Sadly, the whole creating tracks process is a bit slow. It currently takes ~30 seconds to load up all of the tracks. Since I first have to:

  • Search for the tracks, remove tracks that can't be found
  • Create track objects from the search result

It is a bit slow, but it's manageable! It will get faster, as soon as I figure out how..


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Don't forget the tests! I won't accept a PR without any tests, sorry
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request