Powirb (*PO*larion *W*ork*I*tems handling with *R*u*B*y) aims to offer a Ruby interface to Polarion ALM™ workitems content, for fast manipulation.


$ gem install powirb


Often when using Polarion ALM you refine (and redefine) step-by-step your process, or perhaps you need a fine-tune over the way you defines work items, workflows and so and so. Other time you need to import data from other tools and - again - you need an adjustment on some workitems (eg: author name, status, external references, etc).

I've fonud extremely valuable and fast to do all this operation in CLI with ruby.


First, we need a working copy of the project repository. Usually this live under something like http://yourpolarionserver/repo/ProjectName

Only basic operation on workitems are implemented, see the example above:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'powirb'

# Set a logger level, on a specified filename (default is STDOUT)
Powirb.set_logger(:debug, 'log.txt')

# this referes to a project working copy of the subversion repository
h = Powirb::Handler.new('./SampleProject')
# now the handler has loaded all workitems data in memory (very fast)

# we can access a particular workitem with its "wid"
wi = h.workitems['WI-1234']

# or by and AND'ed set of conditions, eg: all closed requirements
h.workitems(:type => 'requirements', :status => 'closed').each do |wid,wi|
  puts "#{wid} - #{wi[:title]}"
  wi[:resolution] = 'done'

Please, remember: In order to "save" the modification we have to hit a subsequent commit with subversion.


  • Powirb can't create new workitems, only updating on existing ones is allowed
  • it does not support the "old" LiveDoc technology, but it's ok with the new one
  • the only fields you can change are "string/text" (more work have to be done here!)
  • the actual version was tested under Linux and Mac OS X only


Powirb is written by Carlo Pecchia and released under the terms of Apache License (see LICENSE file).