
Open your presechute and have a branch new deck.js + slim + guard + github based presentation ready and waiting for you!


To create a brand new presentation start in the directory in which you'd like to create it, and do the following:

$ gem install presechute
$ presechute new [name]
$ cd [name]
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec guard

If you prefer to compile manually and avoid guard-slim simply call $slimrb <name>.slim -p -o <name>.html when you'd like to view your results.

From within the presentation directory edit the <name>.slim file. Upon saving guard-slim will automatically create a new new <name>.html that you can view in your browser to examine your work.

To publish to Github pages follow the instructions produced by the new command, specifically:

Remember to create a Github repo and add a remote and push your branches via:

$git remote add origin [email protected]:username/tech_talk_presi.git
$git push -u origin master
$git push -u origin gh-pages