
As an admin, there are times you want to see exactly what another user sees or take action on behalf of a user. Meet Pretender.

  • Easy to switch back and forth between roles
  • Minimal code changes
  • Plays nicely with auditing tools - this is crucial

Rock on :boom:

Pretender is also flexible and lightweight - less than 40 lines of code :-)

Pretender works with Rails 2.3+ and almost any authentication system. (devise, authlogic, sorcery, and many more - it’s agnostic)

Battle-tested at Instacart

Get started

Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem 'pretender'

And add this line to your ApplicationController:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  impersonates :user

This adds three methods to your controllers:

# returns authenticated user

# allows you to login as another user

# become yourself again

And changes the behavior of another:

# now returns:
# - if impersonating, the impersonated user
# - otherwise, the true user

Note: the name of this method is configurable (details at the end)

Now we need to set up a way to login as another user. Pretender makes no assumptions about how you want to do this. I like to add this to my admin dashboard.

Sample Implementation

class Admin::UsersController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :require_admin

  def impersonate
    user = User.find(params[:id])
    redirect_to root_path

  def stop_impersonating
    redirect_to root_path


Show Admins

You may want to make it obvious to an admin when he / she is signed in as another user. I like to add this to the application layout.

Haml / Slim

- # app/views/layouts/application.html.haml
- if current_user != true_user
    You (#{}) are signed in as #{}
    = link_to "Back to admin", stop_impersonating_path


If you keep audit logs with a library like audited, make sure it uses the true user.

Audited.current_user_method = :true_user


Pretender is super flexible. You can change the names of methods and even impersonate multiple roles at the same time. Here’s the default configuration.

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
impersonates :user,
             :method => :current_user,
             :with => proc{|id| User.where(:id => id).first }

Mold it to fit your application.

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
impersonates :account,
             :method => :authenticated_account,
             :with => proc{|id| EnterpriseAccount.where(:id => id).first }

This creates three methods:

Also, authenticated_account is overridden with EnterpriseAccount.where(:id => id).first


Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:

That’s all folks!