A tool to generate HTML5/CSS slideshows.
Uses DZSlides HTML template and pygments.rb for syntax highlighting.
Install the gem using:
$ gem install prezio
Prezio converts simple html files into presentations.
The HTML file should look like this:
<title>The Title Of Your Presentation</title>
<!-- One section is one slide -->
<h1>My Presentation</h1>
<footer>by John Doe</footer>
<!-- Any HTML -->
<p>Some random text</p>
<!-- This will be highlighted -->
<code lang="ruby">
def greet(name)
println "Hello, #{name}!"
Convert the template to presentation using the following command:
$ prezio convert template.html presentation.html
While you are developing the presentation, it might be useful to run prezio in preview mode:
$ prezio preview template.html