
A very very simple system for managing a list of processes which need to be started/stopped/restarted within a Ruby application.

It works by defining a Procfile in the root of your application and then using the procman command to either start, stop or restart your application as a whole.

The Procfile is a Ruby file which you can use to define how to manipulate your processes.

Setting up

If you're using Bundler (you should be) and wish to use procman, just include it within your Gemfile and run bundle to install it.

gem 'procman'

Once installed, you can execute commands as shown below but you should prefix bundle exec to the start of the command.

Creating your initial Procfile

The command line tool allows you to create an example Procfile with a simple command. This will create a Procfile in the root of the directory you are currently within. You can then open this template and make changes as appropriate for your applications.

$ procman init

Example Procfile

Your Procfile can contain multiple types of process and each process should define an action which should be carried out for starting, stopping & restarting that process.

In this example, we have demonstrated two processes a unicorn web server and a worker process powered by our Ruby backgrounding system, rbg.

process :unicorn do

  start do
    system("umask 002 && bundle exec unicorn_rails -E #{environment} -c #{root}/config/unicorn.rb -D")

  stop do
    system("kill `cat #{root}/tmp/pids/unicorn.#{environment}.pid`")

  restart { stop and start }


process :worker do

  constraint :environment => 'production', :host => /\.production\.myapp\z/
  constraint :environment => 'development', :host => /\.local\z/

  start do
    system("bundle exec rbg start -c #{root}/config/processes/worker.rb -E #{environment}")

  stop do
    system("bundle exec rbg stop -c #{root}/config/processes/worker.rb -E #{environment}")

  restart do
    system("bundle exec rbg reload -c #{root}/config/processes/worker.rb -E #{environment}")


Specifying constraints

If you only want certain processes to execute under certain environments or on specific hosts, you can use constraints to restrict these.

You can specify any number of constraints for a process as shown below. If no constraints are defined for a specific process, it will always be included when your action is executed. If a constraint is added, the process's action will only be invoked when at least one of the constraints is matched otherwise it will be skipped.

Constraints are configured by adding constraint "rules" to your process definitions.

# execute always in production
constraint :environment => 'production'
# execute on hosts where the hostname ends in .local
constraint :host => /\.local\z/
# execute in prodution and where the hostname is 'app01'
constraint :environment => 'production', :host => 'app01'
# only execute if process explicity set using --processes
constraint :manual => true

Executing process commands

Once you have a Procfile, you can execute commands by sending them to the procman command on your system. If you have installed procman within bundler, you can execute the command using bundle exec procman.

  • procman start - start your processes
  • procman stop - stop your processes
  • procman restart - restart your processes

In fact, you can define any actions you wish. You do not need to be constrained by start, stop & restart. If you executed procman jump, it would call the jump method for each process within your Procfile. There are various action names which are reserved, including: name, options, environment, host, root and constraint.

Also, You can pass options to these methods to add extra functionality.

  • -e - allows you specify the environment which is provided as the environment variable in your methods.
  • --processes - allows you to specify which processes (comma separated) should be executed in the action.

Some examples of how to execute these options:

$ procman start -e production
$ procman start -e production --processes worker
$ procman start --processes worker,unicorn

Executing on deployment

You can use the included Capistrano recipe to automatically run your procman start/stop/restart commands whenever you deploy. Just require the deploy recipes in your Capfile.

require 'proc_man/capistrano'

This requires that you are using bundler and the procman gem has been included in your Gemfile.

If you'd like to start/stop/restart your processes using capistrano you can issue the following command. Optionally set -s processes=worker to restart only your worker process.

cap procman:restart -s processes=worker