
Proco is a lightweight asynchronous task executor service with a thread pool especially designed for efficient batch processing of multiple data items.

What Proco is

  • Lightweight, easy-to-use building block for concurrency in Ruby
  • High-throughput reactor for relatively simple, short-lived tasks
    • Proco can dispatch hundreds of thousands of items per second

What Proco is not

  • Omnipotent "does-it-all" super gem
  • Background task schedulers like Resque or DelayedJob

A quick example

require 'proco'

proco = Proco.interval(0.1).     # Runs every 0.1 second
              threads(4).        # 4 threads processing items every interval
              batch(true).new    # Enables batch processing mode

proco.start do |items|
  # Batch-process items and return something
  # ...

# Synchronous submit
result = proco.submit rand(1000)

# Asynchronous(!) submit (can block if the queue is full)
future = proco.submit! rand(1000)

# Wait until the batch containing the item is processed
# (Commit notification)
result = future.get

# Process remaining submissions and terminate threads


Proco requires Ruby 1.8 or higher. Tested on MRI 1.8.7/1.9.3/2.0.0, and JRuby 1.7.3.


gem install proco


Basic producer-consumer configuration

Proco is based on the traditional producer-consumer model (hence the name ProCo).

  • Mutliple clients simultaneously submits (produces) items to be processed.
    • A client can asynchronously submit an item and optionally wait for its completion.
  • Executor threads in the thread pool process (consumes) items concurrently.
  • A submitted item is first put into a fixed sized queue.
  • A queue has its own dedicated dispatcher thread.
  • Each item in the queue is taken out by the dispatcher and assigned to one of the executor threads.
    • Assignments can be done periodically at certain interval, where multiple items are assigned at once for batch processing
  • In a highly concurrent environment, event loop of the dispatcher thread can become the bottleneck.
    • Thus, Proco can be configured to have multiple queues and dispatcher threads
    • However, for strict serializability (FCFS), you should just have a single queue and a single executor thread (default).

Proco with a single queue and thread

Default Proco configuration

proco =

Proco with multiple queues

Proco with multiple queues

proco = Proco.threads(5).queues(4).new

Batch processing

Sometimes it really helps to process multiple items in batch instead of one at a time.

Notable examples includes:

  • buffered disk I/O in Kernel
  • consolidated e-mail notification
  • database batch updates
  • group commit of database transactions

In this scheme, we don't process a request as soon as it arrives, but wait a little while hoping that we receive more requests as well, so we can process them together with minimal amortized latency.

It's a pretty common pattern, that most developers will be writing similar scenarios one way or another at some point. So why don't we make the pattern reusable?

Proco was designed with this goal in mind. As described above, item assignments can be done periodically at the specified interval, so that multiple items are piled up in the queue between assignments, and then given to one of the executor threads at once in batch.

# Assigns items in batch every second
proco = Proco.interval(1).batch(true).new

Thread pool

Proco implements a pool of concurrently running executor threads. If you're running CRuby, multi-threading only makes sense if your task involves blocking I/O operations. On JRuby or Rubinius, executor threads will run in parallel and efficiently utilize multiple cores.

# Proco with 8 executor threads
proco = Proco.threads(8).new

Proco API

API of Proco is pretty minimal. The following flowchart summarizes the supported operations.

Life of Proco


A Proco object can be initialized by chaining the following option initializer methods.

Option Type Description
threads Fixnum number of threads in the thread pool
queues Fixnum number of concurrent queues
queue_size Fixnum size of each queue
interval Numeric dispatcher interval for batch processing
batch Boolean enables batch processing mode
batch_size Fixnum number of maximum items to be assigned at once
logger Logger logger instance for debug logs
# Initialization with method chaining
proco = Proco.interval(0.1).threads(8).queues(4).queue_size(100).batch(true).batch_size(10).new

# Traditional initialization with options hash is also allowed
proco =
          interval:   0.1,
          threads:    8,
          queues:     4,
          queue_size: 100,
          batch:      true,
          batch_size: 10)


# Regular Proco
proco =
proco.start do |item|
  # code for single item

# Proco in batch mode
proco = Proco.batch(true).new
proco.start do |items|
  # code for multiple items

Submitting items

# Synchronous submission
proco.submit 100

# Asynchronous(1) submission
future = proco.submit! 100
value = future.get


# Graceful shutdown

# Immediately kills all running threads


The purpose of the benchmarks shown here is not to present absolute measurements of performance but to give you a general idea of how Proco should be configured under various workloads of different characteristics.

The following benchmark results were gathered on an 8-core system with JRuby 1.7.3.

Modeling CPU-intensive task

  • The task does not involve any blocking I/O
  • A fixed amount of CPU time is required for each item
  • There's little benefit of batch processing as the total amount of work is just the same

Task definition

task = lambda do |item|

# Total amount of work is just the same
batch_task = lambda do |items|
  items.each do


                                           : Elapsed time
loop                                       : *********************************************************                                  : ************************************************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(1).new             : *******************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(1).batch(true).new : ***********************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(4).new             : *******************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(4).batch(true).new : ********************************
Proco.threads(4).queues(1).new             : ****************
Proco.threads(4).queues(1).batch(true).new : ************************
Proco.threads(4).queues(4).new             : ****************
Proco.threads(4).queues(4).batch(true).new : ********************
Proco.threads(8).queues(1).new             : *********
Proco.threads(8).queues(1).batch(true).new : ******************
Proco.threads(8).queues(4).new             : *********
Proco.threads(8).queues(4).batch(true).new : *************
  • Proco with default configuration is slightly slower than simple loop due to thread coordination overhead
  • As we increase the number of threads performance increases as we utilize more CPU cores
  • Dispatcher thread is not the bottleneck. Increasing the number of queues and their dispatcher threads doesn't do any good.
  • Batch mode takes longer as the tasks are not uniformly distributed among threads
    • We can set batch_size to limit the maximum number of items in a batch
Result with batch_size = 100
proco = Proco.batch_size(100)
                                           : Elapsed time
loop                                       : *********************************************************                                  : ************************************************************
proco.threads(2).queues(1).new             : *******************************
proco.threads(2).queues(1).batch(true).new : *******************************
proco.threads(2).queues(4).new             : *******************************
proco.threads(2).queues(4).batch(true).new : ******************************
proco.threads(4).queues(1).new             : ****************
proco.threads(4).queues(1).batch(true).new : ***************
proco.threads(4).queues(4).new             : ****************
proco.threads(4).queues(4).batch(true).new : ***************
proco.threads(8).queues(1).new             : *********
proco.threads(8).queues(1).batch(true).new : *********
proco.threads(8).queues(4).new             : *********
proco.threads(8).queues(4).batch(true).new : ********

Modeling direct I/O on a single disk

  • We're bypassing write buffer of the Kernel
  • Time required to write data on disk is dominated by the seek time
  • Let's assume seek time of our disk is 10ms, and data transfer rate, 50MB/sec
  • Each request writes 50kB amount of data
  • As we have only one disk, writes cannot occur concurrently

Task definition

# Mutex for simulating exclusive disk access
mtx =

task = lambda do |item|
  mtx.synchronize do
    # Seek time: 0.01 sec
    # Transfer time: 50kB / 50MB/sec = 0.001 sec
    sleep 0.01 + 0.001

# Let's say it makes sense to group multiple writes into a single I/O operation
batch_task = lambda do |items|
  mtx.synchronize do
    # Seek time: 0.01 sec
    # Transfer time: n * (50kB / 50MB/sec) = n * 0.001 sec
    sleep 0.01 + items.length * 0.001


loop                                       : ***********************************************************                                  : ***********************************************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(1).new             : ***********************************************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(1).batch(true).new : ****
Proco.threads(2).queues(4).new             : ***********************************************************
Proco.threads(2).queues(4).batch(true).new : *****
Proco.threads(4).queues(1).new             : ***********************************************************
Proco.threads(4).queues(1).batch(true).new : ****
Proco.threads(4).queues(4).new             : ***********************************************************
Proco.threads(4).queues(4).batch(true).new : *****
Proco.threads(8).queues(1).new             : ************************************************************
Proco.threads(8).queues(1).batch(true).new : ****
Proco.threads(8).queues(4).new             : ***********************************************************
Proco.threads(8).queues(4).batch(true).new : ****
  • The number of threads, queues or dispather threads, none of them matters
  • Batch mode shows much better performance


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