
This command-line tool reduces the amount of time and repetition involved in provisioning new Heroku app instances.


$ gem install provisioner

Basic Usage

To create a new Heroku app and configure the common (free) add-ons:

$ provisioner new application-name-staging

If you've already got a Heroku app, you can quickly configure the common (free) add-ons:

$ provisioner setup application-name-staging

There are some common add-ons that have a monthly cost associated with them. To enable those:

$ provisioner paid application-name-staging

Free Add-ons

  • deployhooks:email
  • cron:daily
  • newrelic:standard
  • pgbackups:auto-week
  • sendgrid:starter
  • ssl:piggyback
  • stillalive:basic
  • logging:expanded
  • hoptoad:basic ($2/mo)