Proxie: HTTP proxy and debugging tool

Proxie allows you to setup HTTP proxy server on specified port, filter traffic by type, store information into SQLite3 database. Databases web access is powered by Sinatra web framework.


gem install proxie


Just type ‘proxie’ in your terminal and proxy server will be spawned. For additional information type:

proxie --help


Usage: proxie [options]
  -i, --info                       Display this information.
  -p, --port PORT                  Listen on port (8080 default)
  -d, --db NAME                    Store results to database
  -w, --web                        Start a Web UI for databases
  -f, --flush                      Delete all local databases


Setup proxy server on port 9090 and write all http data into ‘sample’ database

proxie -p 9090 -d sample

Activate web interface (localhost:4567/):

proxie --web

Remove all existing databases:

proxie --flush
