
There are lots of great utilities out there to losslessly optimize images, but most people forget to run them. Pullcrusher makes it easy to optimize the images of any GitHub repository, and contribute the optimizations back to the maintainer as a pull request.

We stand on the shoulders of giants! Thanks to: image_optim, ruby-git, and octokit.


Get dependencies for image optimization, on MacOSX:

brew install advancecomp gifsicle jpegoptim jpeg optipng pngcrush


sudo apt-get install -y advancecomp gifsicle jpegoptim libjpeg-progs optipng pngcrush


Install it via:

$ gem install pullcrusher

On some setups (default MacOSX) that may need a sudo first.


Simply do a pullcrush [repo_name] using the github style short-name for a repository, e.g. mroth/pullcrusher.

Pullcrusher will locate all images, compress them, and then ask you if you want it to automatically fork on github and submit a pull request. Simply type "Y" if you like and you are done!

Sample output

% pullcrush waferbaby/usesthis
*** Asking Github to find us the URI for waferbaby/usesthis
*** Cloning [email protected]:waferbaby/usesthis.git to local filesystem
*** Finding and processing any candidate files
        34415 -> 34204 (211 saved)
        40466 -> 40126 (340 saved)
        135909 -> 133247 (2662 saved)


        143185 -> 141055 (2130 saved)
*** 286 files processed, 136 successfully optimized for total savings of 400438 bytes.
Do you want to automatically fork and pull request? [y/N] y
*** Git branching and commiting all changed files
*** Forking the original repo on github
*** Pushing changes to your forked copy of the repo
*** Creating a pull request...
*** Done! Pull request is at https://github.com/waferbaby/usesthis/pull/5

SSH setup and caveats


We use standard git ssh to push changes to your github account. You'll want to make sure you have SSH keys properly setup.

(Does anyone actually prefer HTTPS with credential caching as github thinks? lmk if this is something we need to add to pullcrusher).

GitHub Credentials

The first time you run pullcrusher, it will ask for your GitHub username and password to obtain a oAuth token (or possibly just your password, if it can locate your Github username in your git configuration). This is totally cool and awesome, but if you don't want that token on your hard drive for any reason, its located at ~/.config/pullcrusher.yml.

We use this so we can use the Github API to handle forking repositories.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

I'm trying to learn more about using tests so bonus points if you include a test for your new functionality or fix. (Or, if you just want to write some tests for existing functionality, that's awesome too!)


Things that still need to be done before v0.0.1 of this gem gets released.

  • Minimal error handling (somewhat taken care of since Methadone handles exceptions okay) √
  • Handle your own repos not just others (cant do a pull request really? I guess just leave it in branch and ask person to do manually?) (PUNTING ON THIS TILL NEXT VERSION)
  • Some very very basic tests, and setup travis-ci to ensure we run on ruby 1.8.7 as well. √