puma_dynamic_tags · Supported by Cado Labs · Gem Version


gem install puma_dynamic_tags


# Gemfile
gem "puma_dynamic_tags"
bundle install


Setup your puma application:

# config.ru

# (example)
require "sinatra"
run Sinatra::Application

Enable dynamic_tags plugin and configure dynamic tag option:

# config/puma.rb
plugin "dynamic_tags"

# and now you can use dynamic tags:

tag do
  "some_dynamic_result: #{Time.now}" # your dynamic code

and then:

# run your puma in your favorite mode
bundle exec puma -t 8:32 -w 3

and then (check your process names):

puma 5.6.4 (tcp:// [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:01:04 +0300] # <--- dynamic process name
puma: cluster worker 2: 38624 [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:02:50 +0300] # <--- dynamic process name
puma: cluster worker 1: 38624 [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:02:50 +0300] # <--- dynamic process name
puma: cluster worker 0: 38624 [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:02:50 +0300] # <--- dynamic process name

and then (run phase-restart and check recalculated process names with your dynamic tag):

puma 5.6.4 (tcp:// [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:01:04 +0300] # <--- each tag has been recalculated
puma: cluster worker 2: 38624 [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:03:25 +0300] # <--- each tag has been recalculated
puma: cluster worker 1: 38624 [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:03:25 +0300] # <--- each tag has been recalculated
puma: cluster worker 0: 38624 [some_dynamic_result: 2022-04-08 03:03:25 +0300] # <--- each tag has been recalculated



  • Fork it ( https://github.com/0exp/puma_dynamic_tags )
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am '[feature_context] Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/my-new-feature)
  • Create new Pull Request


Released under MIT License.


Supported by Cado Labs


Rustam Ibragimov