
Pundit with cancan style load_and_authorize functionality.


Include PunditCan::LoadAndAuthorize into ApplicationController or in each controller.

Call load_resource in the controller to load and authorize the resource.

class UsersController < ApplicationController

This will load @user from User using the UserPolicy to authorize and scope the loading.

Advanced usage

There is support for loading multiple models. However, there isn't a :through option, like cancan, instead loading still goes through Pundit scopes.

There are options to customize the loaded instance_name, model, and policy classes.

Parent / nested

This is a example of loading User and Posts.

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  load_resource model_class: User, parent: true


That will load @user from the UserPolicy into a User class, using :user_id to find the user. And it will lost @post or @posts using the PostPolicy with the :id param.

Customized loading

You can customize the loading for cases when the model, controller, and policies don't match up name-wise.

class MisMatchedController < ApplicationController
  load_resource instance_name: :special_user,
    model_class: User,
    policy_class: SpecialUserPolicy,
    policy_scope_class: SpecialUserPolicy::Scope


  # Pundit method to override the model param key
  def pundit_params_for(record)

This will set @special_user with the User class, using the SpecialUserPolicy and SpecialUserPolicy::Scope classes to authorize and scope the loading.

Skiping checks

By default, verify_authorized and verify_policy_scoped after actions are setup. If you need to skip those for an action, there are skip_authorized_check and skip_scoped_check methods to skip the verify actions for the given actions.

class SkipsController < ApplicationController
  skip_authorized_check :index, :show
  skip_scoped_check :index, :show



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "pundit_can"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pundit_can


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.