
Pupcap gem was created to use puppet without puppet master server. Pupcap uses capistrano to manage remote server, hiera to make puppet configuration easier, has ability to use different roles (app, db) and multistaging (production, stage). It also use librarian-puppet to manage puppet modules.


$ gem install pupcap


To init pupcap project and create file structure:

$ mkdir demo && cd demo && pupcap init .

After executing of this command you will have such file structure:

.keys/                   # ssh keys to remote hosts
hieradata/               # hiera data
  common.yaml            # attributes shared for all environments
  development.yaml       # attributes for development
manifests/               # puppet manifests
  site.pp                # configuration example
modules/                 # librarian-puppet modules
site-modules/            # puppet modules
Capfile                  # deploy config
Puppetfile               # list of librarian-puppet modules
Vagrantfile              # vagrant config to test the pupcap project configuration
hiera.yaml               # hiera config
prepare.sh.erb           # script to prepare remote server


This command installs ruby, rubygems, puppet and librarian-puppet on remote server. It's not necessary if such software is already installed on your server.

$ puppcap <captask> prepare

It will:

  • generate ssh keys pair and save them into .keys
  • add public key from .keys to the host's .authorized_keys if there is no pubkey yet
  • execute prepare.sh.erb


Executes installation of the Puppet confiration on remote server.


task :production do
  set :environment, 'production'
  role :app, 'app.example.com'
  role :db,  'db.example.com'

$ pupcap production apply

Configurations from manifests/app,db.pp will be deployed on app.example.com and db.example.com with production environment.


After pupcap initialization you will have Vagrantfile and Capfile already configured to deploy Puppet configuration to Vagrant VM.

$ pupcap vagrant prepare
$ pupcap vagrant apply