
Black-box integration test framework for components on the Heroku platform.


Install the gem

$ gem install purobu


Tests go through four phases:

  • Setup the context for the test by creating test fixtures that are required for the System Under Test (SUT) to expose the desired behavior.
  • Exercise the SUT
  • Verify the result to determine if the intended behavior was met.
  • Teardown the state of the system by removing all fixtures and test artifacts so that there are no state spills or interdependencies across tests.

Purobu recognizes and embraces this by defining these phases in implicit blocks within your tests.

For example:

# test_can_create_crane_database.rb
test 'can create crane database' do
  setup do
    heroku "apps:create --name some-app"

  exercise do
    heroku "addons:add heroku-postgresql:crane some-app"

  verify do
    addons = heroku "addons --app some-app"
    addons.include?("heroku-postgresql:crane") #return true or false

  teardown do
    heroku "apps:remove some-app"

Then run it with 4 concurrent jobs:

$ purobu -j 4

Purobu will load any files that match /test_.*\.rb/ recursively. An alternative is to specify files to run:

$ purobu -j 4 -f test_one.rb,test_two.rb

For more command line switches, try purobu -h

Global setup

It can be useful to have global setups, for example, to create an app to run a bunch of tests against.

You can create a ruby file called purobu_config.rb to set up a global context. The global context will run once before the entire suite. Be sure to create a global teardown as well:

# purobu_config.rb
Purobu::Configuration.run do |config|
  config.global_setup do
    heroku "apps:create harolds-test-app"
  config.global_teardown do
    heroku "apps:destroy harolds-test-app --confirm harolds-test-app"

Interacting with heroku

Access to heroku is facilitated in two ways:

  1. The heroku helper is a wrapper around the latest version of the heroku CLI. You give it a string, and it shells out to execute the given command. For example:
heroku "addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev"
  1. The heroku_api helper exposes the heroku api client for more convenient retreival of information on heroku such as an app's config vars.

Note: To use it, set the HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable or set it in a Purobu::Configuration.run

For example:

  # {"HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_PURPLE_URL"=>"postgres://user:pass@host:5732/database"}
  # [{"slug"=>"crane", "selective"=>false,
  #   "configured"=>true,
  #   "url"=>nil,
  #   "state"=>"public",
  #   "group_description"=>"Heroku Postgresql",
  #   "consumes_dyno_hours"=>false,
  #   "price"=>{"cents"=>0, "unit"=>"month"},
  #   "attachment_name"=>"HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_TEAL",
  #   "plan_description"=>"Crane",
  #   "name"=>"heroku-postgresql:crane",
  #   "beta"=>false,
  #   "attachable"=>false,
  #   "description"=>"Heroku Postgres Crane",
  #   "terms_of_service"=>false}]

Adding helpers

You can add helpers to be used across your tests via helpers:

helpers do
  def do_it
    # it does it

test do
  verify do
     do_it # it does it

A database_connection helper is included which can be used in your tests:

url = 'postgres://user:pass@host/database'
database_connection(url) do |conn|
  conn # a Sequel connection object


purobu was written by Harold Giménez and is Copyright 2012 Heroku