Purple Shoes
Porting Green Shoes with JRuby and SWT.
Install JRuby and Purple Shoes for Windows
- download and install JRuby 1.6.7 Windows Executable
- jruby --1.9 -S gem install purple_shoes
The swt gem will be installed automatically.
Install JRuby and Purple Shoes for Linux and OS X
- install rvm
- rvm install jruby
- gem install purple_shoes
Look at the command line help
jruby --1.9 -S pshoes -h
Usage: pshoes (options or app.rb)
-m, -men Open the built-in English manual.
-mjp Open the built-in Japanese manual.
-v Display the version info.
-h Show this message.
Note: If you set an environment variable like this: set JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9
, you can do just only pshoes -h
Note to OSX Users
You'll need to pass an extra argument to JRuby's JVM for SWT to work on OSX. Your command line should look like this:
jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread --1.9 sample2.rb
Open the built-in manual
Note: Need to install Hpricot: jruby --1.9 -S gem install hpricot
jruby --1.9 -S pshoes -m
Embed MPEG-1 video format
Note: Need to install JMF (Java Media Framework API)