
This project provides a Qt programming API for JRuby with a high degree of compatibility with the existing Qt interface for Ruby. The API is implemented using Qt Jambi, the Java version of the Qt framework. The interface consists of two software components: the actual Ruby bindings (qt_jambi) and a compatibility layer (qt_compat) which makes it easier to run existing Qt Ruby code using JRuby.
A third component (qt_sugar) introduces the Qt Jambi signals interface to QtRuby. With this interface there is no need to use C++ signatures or slots on the application level.
The three components are packaged in a single, pure-Ruby gem package 'qt_connect'. The same gem can be installed on Ruby and JRuby installations.

prerequisites and usage


prerequisite: qtbindings Ruby gem package

download from: http://github.com/ryanmelt/qtbindings
installation: follow qtbindings instructions

require 'qt_connect' to use Qt Jambi Signals interface


prerequisite: qtjambi Java library

download from: http://qt-jambi.org
installation: install two jar-files on CLASSPATH (e.g. C:/jruby-1.6.7/lib or /usr/lib/jruby/lib)
qtjambi-<version>.jar (e.g. qtjambi-4.7.1.jar)
qtjambi-<platform>-<version>.jar (e.g. qtjambi-win32-msvc2008-4.7.1.jar)

require 'qt_jambi' for basic Qt Jambi bindings only
require 'qt_connect' for Qt Jambi bindings + QtRuby compatibility layer

tested environments

[Windows 7 Home Premium]

ruby 1.9.1p429 [i386-mingw32]

jruby 1.6.7 [Windows 7-x86-java]

[Mac OS X]

jruby 1.6.7 [darwin-i386-java]

Note: You need to use a 32-bit JVM because the qtjambi binaries are 32-bit only for the moment. You can do this by opening the "Java Preferences" application and drag the system 32-bit JVM at the top

You also need to set up the right environment: classpath, java options, ... You might want to use this script:

export CLASSPATH=$QJ/qtjambi-4.7.0.jar:$QJ/qtjambi-macosx-gcc-4.7.0.jar:.
export JAVA_OPTS="-XstartOnFirstThread -Djava.library.path=$QJ/lib"
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$QJ/plugins
$JRUBY -rubygems $@

[Linux : ubuntu 11:10]

ruby 1.8.7p352 [x86_64-linux]

jruby 1.5.1p249 [amd64-java]

Note: Under Ubuntu I could only run the programs using administrator privilege e.g. sudo jruby ..... My Linux expertise is limited but it seems that the operating system itself uses the Qt library and that maybe jruby loads (part of) the qtjambi library not from the jar but from somewere else on the loadpath. I have the same problem with the QtJambi demo programs if I just install QtJambi (nothing to do with JRuby). Any help would be appreciated.


Provides the basic Ruby bindings for the Qt Jambi Java classes and an interface to the Signals and Slots mechanism. Appropriate classes are extended with overloaded operators such as +, - , | and &. Both Ruby-ish underscore and Java-ish camel case naming for methods can be used. Like with Qt Ruby, constructors can be called in a conventional style or with an initializer block. If you want an API which follows closely the QtJambi documentation and programming examples all you need to do is 'require qt_jambi'. A minimalist example to display just a button which connects to a website when clicked:

require 'qt_jambi'

button=Qt::PushButton.new( "Hello World")
button.clicked.connect{ Qt::DesktopServices.openUrl(Qt::Url.new('www.hello-world.com'))}

The QtJambi documentation contains a large number of examples written in Java. Even with a moderate knowledge of Java it is fairly easy to translate these to Ruby or use them as examples for new Ruby programs.


A compatibility layer which can be installed on top of the 'qt_jambi' bindings. Including this layer makes it possible to run existing Qt Ruby code with no or only minor modifications using JRuby.
Since the QtJambi API is build on the same underlying C++ library as the Qt Ruby API, the Qt(C++) classes are mostly mapped to equivalent Qt Jambi(Java/Ruby) and Qt Ruby(Ruby) classes. The majority of Ruby classes exposed through the Qt Jambi API are therefore identical to the classes exposed through the Qt Ruby API. There are however differences due to different language capabilities and limitations in converting C++ types to Java and Ruby 'types'. The two most notable differences are the handling of Enums and the abstract value type QVariant


Enums are used widely throughout the Qt framework, mostly as integer constants and bit flags. Using Qt Jambi, Java Enums are accessible through JRuby as constants. Individual values are accessed combining namespace with enum type name and enum value name:


QtRuby accesses the same values using a shorthand notation omitting the type name:


Using the compatibility layer the same shorthand notation constants are defined in addition to the existing ones. If the shorthand notation clashes with other entries or existing class names, the default mapping can be overruled.


The Qt API provides an abstract value type, QVariant, which can hold values of many C++ and Qt types. In Java - like Ruby - there is no real need for such a type because the language already provides Object as an abstract type. This works because all Java classes inherit Object. For that reason, the Qt Jambi API uses Object where Qt uses QVariant.
To maintain code compatibility with QtRuby a dummy constructor method is defined which basically returns the original object unchanged:

  variant=Qt::Variant.new(size)                   #=> size

This works in many cases, but not always. QtRuby code using the Qt::Variant class may need to be adjusted for use with the QtJambi bindings.

Slots and Signals

Although QtJambi supports a simpler mechanism to deal with signals which does not need the C++ signatures and uses methods or code blocks in stead of slots, a full set of compatible routines to handle Slots and Signals is included for compatibility with QtRuby. This includes slots and signals functions, SLOT and SIGNAL 'macros', connect, disconnect, emit and sender methods:

  slots 'documentWasModified()'
  signals 'contentsChanged()'

  connect(@textEdit.document(), SIGNAL('contentsChanged()'),
              self, SLOT('documentWasModified()'))

  emit contentsChanged

Custom adjustments

A number of individual class definitions are 'tweaked' or extended to make the QtRuby API fit on the QtJambi API. This is still very much work in progress


Provides added functionality to the current signals/slots API in QtRuby It avoids the need to use C++ signatures and signal/slots functions in applications. The syntax is similar to the one used in QtJambi (the Java version of the Qt framework): Each Signal-emitting Qt class is extended with a method for each Signal it may emit. The default name of the method is the same as the signature name. In case of ambiguity when the signal has arguments or overloads, the default name for a given signature can be overruled through an entry in the Signature2Signal table. The initial entries in the table are the same as used in the QtJambi interface.

  require 'qt_connect'


#connecting signal to a Ruby Block:
  button.clicked.connect{ puts "Hello World"}

#connecting to receiver/method

#disconnect all connections originating from this button

#emitting the signal (normally done internally by Qt)

#example passing String as argument
  label.linkActivated.connect{ |s| Qt::DesktopServices.openUrl(Qt::Url.new(s))}

Custom components can define their own signals and emit them like this:

@signal.connect{ |a1,a2| puts "someone send me #{a1} and #{a2}"}


For several years I have been an enthusiastic user of the excellent Ruby bindings to the Qt APIs as provided by Richard Dale and others as part of the Korundum/QtRuby project. With the becoming of age of JRuby I became interested in running my applications using JRuby, mainly for reasons of packaging and deployment. The qtjruby-core gem provided by Nicolas Merouze was a good start for a JRuby interface to QtJambi, but to get a reasonable compatibility with an existing code base in QtRuby a lot more was required. I decided therefore to develop a new gem package which would make it easy to port existing applications to JRuby or better use the same code for deployment under Ruby and JRuby. Because of the inherent differences between the two interfaces it will never be possible to have complete inter operability, but it is certainly possible to write code in such a way that it will work with both Ruby and JRuby. As a proof of principle I have a large Qt application (>10000 lines Ruby Code) which runs with the 'qt_connect' gem both under Ruby and JRuby. This allows me to do development under Ruby and package and deploy under JRuby.

Through the years I have seen several suggestions for changes to the slots and signals interface used by QtRuby. The existing API is based on C++ signatures and not very appropriate for Ruby programming. The solution provided by the QtJambi interface is quite elegant and in my opinion also suitable for Ruby. I have therefore included a QtJambi based signals interface for Ruby programs in the gem package.

examples and testing

The example programs should run both in a Ruby (qtbindings + qt_connect gem packages) and a JRuby (qt_connect gem + Qt Jambi jars) setting. The Class Explorer is for JRuby users only. This browser extends the Javadoc documentation for the com.trolltech.qt Javapackages that form the basis for the JRuby Qt Jambi API. If you install the Ruby qtbindings gem package, the example directory includes more than 75 example programs. Of these programs about a third run unchanged with JRuby and the qt_connect gem. Of the remaining programs quite a few can not run for the same reason in that they make use of the Qt's resources system which is different from the Qt Jambi resource management (these are all the examples using files with the .qrc extension). Some programs run after minor modifications and more may run with appropriate extensions of the qt_compat module, I have not had much time to test this out.

packaging and deployment

When it comes to packaging your Qt JRuby application, there is a great gem package to help you called Rawr. With Rawr, a simple, pre-generated configuration file turns your code into an executable jar, a .exe for Windows, and a .app for OS X.


If you install the full Qt Jambi package, it comes with extensive documentation for the Java API and a large number of Java demonstration programs. Use these together with the class explorer program (part of this gem package) to write your Ruby programs. The example programs (deform.rb, qtmapzoom.rb and classexplorer.rb) also show how to program the signal interface in Ruby. For Qt Ruby programming in general have a look at the demonstration programs included with the qtbindings gem package. There is also an ebook (Rapid GUI Development with QtRuby by Caleb Tennis) published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. Although the book itself is somewhat out of date, it is still a good introduction to Qt Ruby programming. In addition to the Qt Jambi documentation there is also a lot of Qt documentation online at the Qt Developer Network. For information about JRuby look at http://jruby.org , read the JRuby Cookbook published by O'Reilly or Using JRuby from The Pragmatic Bookshelf.


Copyright © 2010-2012 Cees Zeelenberg ([email protected])
This software is released under the LGPL Version 2.1. See COPYING.LIB.txt