A ‘Work in Progress’ gem with several recipes for capistrano, using a clean approach, delegating dawting tasks to provisioners. For now, it features mysql workflow management with backup support, unicorn start/stop restart/reload and shared assets’ synchronization.
- db
Manage DB tasks. Currently supports mysql only. It has the following tasks:
(local|remote):backup - creates a local/remote snapshot of the current database state
(local|remote):cleanup - cleans up local/remote backup leaving up to a specified number of backups (
) -
(local|remote):restore - restores the local/remote database to the latest backup found in the backup directory (
) -
(local|remote):setup - creates the backup folder in the given directory (
for remote anddb_backup_local_dir
for local) -
(local|remote):sync - syncs the local/remote database with its counterpart (
cap local:sync
syncs local database with the remote’s state) -
remote:download - downloads the current remote database state (also creates a backup)
remote:upload - uploads the latest local backup (does not create a backup of either of the databses)
remote:create_database - creates the database in the remote (used after
The db recipe also adds hooks to
(with the corresponding local/remote tasks) and runsremote:backup
. -
- unicorn
Manages Unicorn in-production workflow. Supports the following tasks:
unicorn:setup - creates a folder to place the socket files (to be used in
, can be changed throughunicorn_socket
) -
unicorn:start - starts unicorn in daemon mode. It uses bundler if the bundler recipe is included - i.e.
bundler exec unicorn_rails ...
) -
unicorn:stop - stops the unicorn daemon by reading the pid file (uses
) -
unicorn:reload - reloads unicorn configuration (usually done after
) -
unicorn:restart - restarts unicorn daemon, using the current release (after
) -
unicorn:status - lists unicorn’s running processes
The unicorn recipe links
and runsunicorn:setup
- shared
Manages shared paths. Paths are given in Hash form (i.e.
{ 'uploads' => 'public/uploads' }
) through the variableshared_folders
, in which the key is the shared folder path (www/shared/uploads
) and the value is the symlink path (current/public/uploads
). Supports:-
shared:local:sync - Syncs local folders with remote ones
shared:remote:setup - Creates the folders
shared:remote:symlink - Creates the symlinks
shared:remote:sync - Syncs the remote folders with the local ones
The shared recipe adds a
hook and runsshared:remote:symlink
Make tests
Update README with usage instructions
More recipes (ssh, bluepill, etc)
Contributing to Quapistrano
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet.
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it.
Fork the project.
Start a feature/bugfix branch.
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2012 Tiago Melo. See LICENSE.txt for further details.