
Simple Ruby client for QuestBack's SOAP API.


This gem is not complete and may lack many functions provided by QuestBack. Please feel free to contribute and make pull requests.

It is also very simplistic, only using simple hashes for both sending in arguments to the API and returning responses. The hash you send as argument to an operation methods is more or less passed on directly to QuestBack. We do some transformation of the has to match the expectations of QuestBack's API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'quest_back'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install quest_back


Getting access to API

  1. Go to and request white listing of the IP you will make requests from.
  2. Sign in to QuestBack. Go to your account's page and fill in "Integration username and password". If you have no fields under Integration Information you have to contact QuestBack to get access.

Create an API client

api =
  config: "username", password: "password")

response = api.test_connection
=> "Connection sucessful. you are connected to namespace:"


# Read quests
api =
response = api.get_quests
irb(main):005:0> response.results
=> [
      :quest_title=>"Skalars spørreundersøkelse",

# Add email invitees
response = api.add_email_invitees(
  quest_info: {quest_id: 4567668, security_lock: 'm0pI8orKJp'},
  emails: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
  sendduplicate: true

=> "Added 2 invitations to QuestId:4567668"

# Add respondent data
response = api.add_respondents_data(
  quest_info: {quest_id: 4567668, security_lock: 'm0pI8orKJp'},
  respondents_data: {
    respondent_data_header: {
      respondent_data_header: [
          title: 'Epost',
          type: QuestBack::Api.respondent_data_header_type_for(:text),
          is_email_field: true,
          is_sms_field: false
          title: 'Navn',
          type: QuestBack::Api.respondent_data_header_type_for(:text),
          is_email_field: false,
          is_sms_field: false
          title: 'Alder',
          type: QuestBack::Api.respondent_data_header_type_for(:numeric),
          is_email_field: false,
          is_sms_field: false
    respondent_data: ['[email protected];Thorbjorn;32'],
    allow_duplicate: true,
    add_as_invitee: true

=> "Added 1 respondent data to QuestId :4567668"

# Add respondent data with sms invitation
response = api.add_respondents_data_with_sms_invitation(
  quest_info: {quest_id: 4567668, security_lock: 'm0pI8orKJp'},
  respondents_data: {
    respondent_data_header: {
      respondent_data_header: [
          title: 'Phone',
          type: QuestBack::Api.respondent_data_header_type_for(:text),
          is_email_field: false,
          is_sms_field: true
    respondent_data: ['4711223344'],
    allow_duplicate: true,
    add_as_invitee: true
  sms_from_number: 11111111,
  sms_from_text: 'Inviso AS',
  sms_message: 'Hello - please join our quest!'

=> "Sms message created successfully"

Debug XML without making a request

If you ever need to see XML generated without sending the request it can be done by doing:


  DEBUG -- : HTTPI GET request to (net_http)
   INFO -- : !!!!!!!!!
   INFO -- : !!! SOAP request hijacked by QuestBack::DebugObserver.
   INFO -- : !!!!!!!!!
  DEBUG -- :

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <env:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:array="" xmlns:enum="">
          <wsdl:Username>[email protected]</wsdl:Username>

QuestBack.remove_debug! # Activates real requests again


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Test client in console

After cloning the repository you may do this to make it a bit more convenient working with the code in your console while developing.

  1. Copy config.example.yml to config.yml and insert your username and password.
  2. Load console bundle console and do QuestBack.conf! to load config.yml as default config.
  3. to make a test connection API call. On successful connection this returns string with current namespace of integration library.