What Am I?
There will be guides on how to use this;
This Rails3 Engine allows you to create a forms for Carbon Calculations in like 2 sometimes 3 minutes depending on typing speed.
MongoMapper 0.9.0
Mongoid 2.0.0 (mongoid branch)
Note you will have to go through a few hoops to get this working currently however once you have UI for carbon calculations can be generated very very quickly!
If you really want to dive in then please look at this example application using question chain;
Getting started
Firstly You will need to be using creating a Rails3 Application;
add question_chain to your Gemfile
gem "question_chain"
you will also need the QuestionChainJS
This is currently Mootools dependent;
You will need to create a method (calculated_session) on your Rails Application Module; as question_chain will look for a calculated session here when it talks to the carbon calculated API
module YourApplication
def self.calculated_session
@session ||= Calculated::Session.create(:api_key => ENV[:api_key])
Background Information
With quesition_chain you are given a Rails3 Engine; this engine provides you with the following;
Controller Module: (QuestionChain::Answers) For creating editing models that emit carbon (ie Journey; Material; Waste; Car)
Model Module: (QuestionChain::Answerable) Helper Methods for any model that emits carbon.
ChainTemplate: Defines context of where in your application your emitting models are located and what if any parent resources
it has; example
Question: You build a “Question” its this quesition id (4babb5fef78b124341000002) that is then rendered for calculations in the UI
Please look at the example application that uses this Gem; before you go any further
This is where you can build up your UI for the question you wish to ask to calculated emissions;
“What was your origin airport and destination airport?”
“How many miles did you travel in your car?”
“What material and how many tones of it do you use?”
Each question will relate to the CarbonCalcualated API! therefore a question will need either a computation_id or a calculator_id
At the minute there is no UI for creating these question however there are example rake tasks that can be seen in the example application
This where you can define “calculation contexts”; what does that mean? this is where you can say what resource emits and its association with another resource; Example below is basically saying for user class it has many flights these flights are to seen as a QuestionChain Question; Its the flight that emits Carbon!
:for_resource => "user",
:context => {
"flights" => ["4babb5fef78b124341000002"]
There is currently not a helper for the routing however this is an example structure to get an application working where the context is a calculation model
# == Have yet to create a Routing helper from question Chain
# Hence manua here and this is about is obvious well its just not
match '/answers/fire_object_search' => 'answers#fire_object_search'
match '/answers/fire_populate_drop_down' => 'answers#fire_populate_drop_down'
chain_template_routes = lambda do
scope "/:context(/:question_id)" do
resources :answers, :only => [:new, :create, :index] do
collection do
post :fire_populate_drop_down
post :fire_object_search
scope "/:context" do
resources :answers, :only => [:edit, :update, :show] do
collection do
post :fire_populate_drop_down
post :fire_object_search
resource :users do