
Quirk is a command line utility for tracking good and bad habits.


$ gem install quirk

Then configure your habits in a plaintext file:

$ quirk -e
mile-run: monday, wednesday, thursday
walk-dog: everyday
^quit-tv: friday ; comments start with semi-colons

By default, all this does is edit the ~/.quirk file. You can configure which file to use by setting the environment variable QUIRKFILE.

If a habit is prefixed with ^, it means you're trying to break that habit. In this case you're trying to quit TV on Fridays.


When you've done something, mark it with:

$ quirk -m mile-run

To see a single habit (green days are good, red is bad):

$ quirk -c mile-run
      Jan 2012
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

Looking for a specific year?

$ quirk mile-run -y 2011

See all of your current streaks:

$ quirk
17 mile-run
 3 walk-dog
-3 quit-tv

See which habits are pending for today:

$ quirk -t

Habits are stored in plaintext in ~/.quirk. You can use quirk -e to add/remove entries. Note that habits start on the day of the first mark by default. You can also specify the first day using ^:

2012/01/01 walk-dog
2012/01/01 ^quit-tv

The first line means you walked the dog on 1/1. The second line means you started the habit of quitting TV. This is especially handy for starting quitting habits on a green day.

You can specify the last day for a habit using $:

2012/01/01 ^quit-tv
2012/01/30 $quit-tv
2012/01/15 quit-tv
2012/01/16 quit-tv

The first line means on 1/1, I'm going to start quitting TV. The second line means I'll stop the habit on 1/30, it's just a temporary goal for 1 month. The last two lines means I watched TV on 1/15 and 1/16 (two red days).

Zsh Tab Completion

Here's an example zsh completion function:

#compdef quirk
compadd `quirk -l`

Put this into your site-functions directory (wherever $fpath points to):

$ echo $fpath
/usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/4.3.11/functions
$ vim /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_quirk

Tmux and Other Notifications Integration

Use quirk -t to see which habits are pending for today. Habits are separated by a newline. Use xargs and/or tr to format as you see fit:

$ quirk -t
$ quirk -t | xargs
mile-run walk-dog
$ quirk -t | xargs | tr " " ,

This is useful for tmux's status as a reminder of which habits are pending. Put this in your .tmux.conf file:

set -g status-right '#[fg=yellow]#(quirk -t | xargs | tr " " ,)'


Copyright Hugh Bien - Released under BSD License, see for more info.