Raad v0.4.0

Raad - Ruby as a daemon lightweight service wrapper.

Raad is a non-intrusive, lightweight, simple Ruby daemon wrapper. Basically A simple class which implements the start and stop methods, can be used seamlessly as a daemon or a normal console app.

Raad provides daemon control using the start/stop commands. Your code can optionnally use the Raad logging module.



gem install raad


Latest from github

gem "raad", :git => "git://github.com/praized/raad.git", :branch => "master"

Released gem

gem "raad", "~> 0.4.0"


Create a class with a start and a stop method. Just by requiring 'raad', your class will be wrapped by Raad and daemonizable.

require 'raad'

class SimpleDaemon
  def start
    @stopped = false
    while !@stopped
      Raad::Logger.info("simple_daemon running")

  def stop
    @stopped = true
    Raad::Logger.info("simple_daemon stopped")

run it in console mode, ^C will stop it, calling the stop method
$ ruby simple_daemon.rb start

run it daemonized, by default ./simple_daemon.log and ./simple_daemon.pid will be created
$ ruby simple_daemon.rb -d start

stop daemon, removing ./simple_daemon.pid
$ ruby simple_daemon.rb stop 


Supported rubies and environments

Raad has been tested on MRI 1.8.7, MRI 1.9.2, REE 1.8.7, JRuby 1.6.4 under OSX 10.6.8 and Linux Ubuntu 10.04

Command line options

usage: ruby <service>.rb [options] start|stop

Raad common options:
    -e, --environment NAME           set the execution environment (default: development)
    -l, --log FILE                   log to file (default: in console mode: no, daemonized: <service>.log)
    -s, --stdout                     log to stdout (default: in console mode: true, daemonized: false)
    -v, --verbose                    enable verbose logging (default: false)
        --pattern PATTERN            log4r log formatter pattern
    -c, --config FILE                config file (default: ./config/<service>.rb)
    -d, --daemonize                  run daemonized in the background (default: false)
    -P, --pid FILE                   pid file when daemonized (default: <service>.pid)
    -r, --redirect FILE              redirect stdout to FILE when daemonized (default: no)
    -n, --name NAME                  daemon process name (default: <service>)
        --timeout SECONDS            seconds to wait before force stopping the service (default: 60)
    -h, --help                       display help message

Note that the command line options will always override any config file settings if present.

Configuration and options


Adding custom command line options




Stop sequence details



There are specs and a validation suite which ca be run in the current ruby environment:

  • rake spec
  • rake validation

Also, specs and validations can be run in all currently tested Ruby environement. For this RVM is required and the following rubies must be installed:

  • ruby-1.8.7
  • ree-1.8.7
  • ruby-1.9.2
  • jruby-1.6.4

In each of these rubies, the gemset @raad containing log4r (~> 1.1.9), rake (~> 0.9.2) and rspec (~> 2.6.0) must be created.

This RVM environment can be created/updated using:

  • rake rvm_setup

To launch the tests for all rubies use:

  • rake specs
  • rake validations


  • better doc
  • more examples


  • For normal usage, the log4r gem (~> 1.1.9) is required.
  • For testings, the rspec (~> 2.6.0), rake (~> 0.9.2) gems and RVM are required.


Colin Surprenant, @colinsurprenant, [email protected], [email protected], http://github.com/colinsurprenant


Thanks to the Thin (https://github.com/macournoyer/thin), Goliath (https://github.com/postrank-labs/goliath), Sinatra (https://github.com/bmizerany/sinatra) and Spoon (https://github.com/headius/spoon) projects for providing inspiration and/or code!


Raad is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE.md file.