
It’s a Rack auth thing for Travis webhook requests!


Depend on it!

ruby # Gemfile gem 'rack-auth-travis'


Add it to your rack!

Take a look at the example or do something like this:

``` ruby # config.ru require ‘./my_fancy_app’ require ‘rack-auth-travis’

use Rack::Auth::Travis run MyFancyApp.new ```

When use‘d without arguments, Rack::Auth::Travis will add an ENV-based authenticator that will look for the following variables and use their values to authenticate the Authorization header:

  • TRAVIS_AUTH_<uppercased-slug> - generated from the “repo slug” with non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores, e.g. octocat/Knife-Spoon becomes TRAVIS_AUTH_OCTOCAT_KNIFE_SPOON

If one of these ENV variables exists, its value will be hashed with the “repo slug” and compared to the Authorization header sent from Travis.