
Rack-CAS is simple Rack middleware to perform CAS client authentication.


  • Rack based
  • Framework independent
    Works with, but doesn't depend on Rails, Sinatra, etc.
  • Minimal dependencies
    Current gem dependencies are rack, addressable and nokogiri.
  • Supports CAS extra attributes
    Extra attributes are a mess though. So let me know if your brand of CAS server isn't supported.
  • Single sign out
    One of the included session stores must be used.




Add gem 'rack-cas' to your Gemfile and run bundle install

Create config/initializers/rack-cas.rb with the following:

require 'rack/cas'
YourApp::Application.config.middleware.use Rack::CAS, server_url: 'https://login.example.com/cas'

Single Sign Out

If you wish to enable single sign out you'll need to modify your configuration as below.

Active Record

Set the session_store in config/initialiers/rack-cas.rb

require 'rack/cas'
require 'rack-cas/session_store/active_record'
YourApp::Application.config.middleware.use Rack::CAS,
  server_url: 'https://login.example.com/cas',
  session_store: RackCAS::ActiveRecordStore

Edit your config/initializers/session_store.rb file with the following:

require 'rack-cas/session_store/rails/active_record'
YourApp::Application.config.session_store :rack_cas_active_record_store


rails generate cas_session_store_migration
rake db:migrate


Set the session_store in config/initialiers/rack-cas.rb

require 'rack/cas'
require 'rack-cas/session_store/mongoid'
YourApp::Application.config.middleware.use Rack::CAS,
  server_url: 'https://login.example.com/cas',
  session_store: RackCAS::MongoidStore

Edit your config/initializers/session_store.rb file with the following:

require 'rack-cas/session_store/rails/mongoid'
YourApp::Application.config.session_store :rack_cas_mongoid_store

Sinatra and Other Rack-Compatible Frameworks

Add gem 'rack-cas' to your Gemfile and run bundle install

Add the following to your config.ru file:

require 'rack/cas'
use Rack::CAS, server_url: 'https://login.example.com/cas'

Single Sign Out

Single sign out support outside of Rails is currently untested. We'll be adding instructions here soon.


Your app should return a 401 status whenever a request is made that requires authentication. Rack-CAS will catch these responses and attempt to authenticate via your CAS server.

Once authentication with the CAS server has completed, Rack-CAS will set the following session variables:

request.session['cas']['user'] #=> johndoe
request.session['cas']['extra_attributes'] #=> { 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => ... }

NOTE: extra_attributes will be an empty hash unless they've been configured on your CAS server.


Controller Tests

Testing your controllers and such should be as simple as setting the session variables manually in a helper.

def set_current_user(user)
  session['cas'] = { 'user' => user.username, 'extra_attributes' => {} }

Integration Tests

Integration testing using something like Capybara is a bit trickier because the session can't be manipulated directly. So for integration tests, I recommend using the provided Rack::FakeCAS middleware instead of Rack::CAS.

require 'rack/fake_cas'
use Rack::FakeCAS

Then you can simply do the following in your integration tests in order to log in.

visit '/restricted_path'
fill_in 'username', with: 'johndoe'
fill_in 'password', with: 'any password'
click_button 'Login'

NOTE: The FakeCAS middleware will authenticate any username with any password and so should never be used in production.