
A very simple Rack authentication plugin using CAS or a token. It kicks in whenever a 401 response is returned from the server.

The plugin has only been tested using ActiveRecord and Rails 3.


Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'rack-casual'

Run bundle install, and add a configuration file:

$ rails generate rack_casual

This creates a config/initializers/rack-casual.rb file. Make sure base_url points to your CAS server. If your user model is called something other than "User", you can change this here.

Next you must configure your application to use the plugin. For Rails3, you can add this to your config/application.rb config.middleware.use "Rack::Casual::Authentication"

Finally, to authenticate your users, add a before_filter to your controller:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :authenticate! end


Rack::Casual adds some helper methods to ActionController::Base

  • logged_in? Returns true if session contains user-id

  • current_user Returns the currently logged in user.

  • authenticate! This is the method you want to use in a before_filter

Authentication token

CAS is nice and all that, but it's not so nice for webservices. Therefore Rack::Casual can authenticate requests using a token. Make sure your User model has a auth_token attribute. You can call it whatever you want, but it defaults to auth_token.

From your client you can now authenticate using this token:


If there are no users with that token, the client just receives the 401 error. It does not fallback to CAS or create a user automatically (doh).

Finding users

If you want to control how Rack::Casual finds the user, you can set a scope to be used. # config/initializers/rack-casual.rb: config.authentication_scope = :active

# app/models/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base def self.active where(:active => true) end end

Then Rack::Casual will only search among users where active is true. A side effect of this is that Rack::Casual will try to create a user that already exists. However, this should not be a problem as long as your User model validates the uniqueness of the username.

The default scope to use is

Extra attributes

When creating users automatically, Rack::Casual can also add extra attributes if your CAS server provides this. For this to work your User model must have a cas_extra_attributes= instance method. Here's an example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base def cas_extra_attributes=(extra_attributes) extra_attributes.each do |name, value| case name.to_sym when :name then self.name = value when :email then self.email = value when :phone then self.phone = value end end end end


If you have enabled tracking, Rack::Casual can update the logged in user with information about last login time and IP. These variables will be updated if they are present in your User model:

  • last_login_at (datetime)
  • last_login_ip (string)
  • login_count (integer)


  1. Testing. How embarrasing. A gem without tests is like a forrest without trees.
  2. Replace ruby-cas with something "lighter", like casual, but casual doesn't seem to support extra attributes... Note to self: http://rubycas-client.rubyforge.org/classes/CASClient/ValidationResponse.src/M000044.html

Copyright (c) 2010 Gudleik Rasch [email protected], released under the MIT license